The Meeting

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Mari gazed into my eyes out of concern and worry. I could tell that she wanted to comfort me, to help me, but that's easier said than done. I hate to see her suffer for something that's my fault, especially since she's done so much for me in return... She's obviously not the same princess as she was before... I'm glad I could actually help someone for once in a positive way. She shifted her gaze to the floor and cleared her throat.

"Its... its been a long day, Ava... You should go and get some rest." Mari said, standing up and walking away without another word. I can't contain my anger and sadness anymore. Before anything else, I had to get these feelings out before I cause pain again.

"Fucking hell..." I whispered to myself under my breath, "Why is everything falling apart? Can't we both be happy for once? God, just seeing their face for the first time in years makes me want to scream and pummel them into the ground." Mrs. Cross came back into the living room with a cup of coffee for me. She handed the cup to me silently and wrapped her arms around me while we both sat on the couch.

"I know now is not the best time, but for all it's worth, both David and I love you very much. Mari changed as well. She's never taken a shine to someone before, so if you two ever think about tying the knot with Mari, just know that you have our consent." I blushed at her words. It is a little too early for that to happen, but it's definitely possible... Or rather that will happen in the near future...

"Thanks Mrs. Cross... That means a lot coming from you. Is Mari in her room? I should probably speak to her..." She smiled warmly at me and nodded. I took the cup of coffee and headed on upstairs and stopped at her door. She was sobbing uncontrollably inside. I could only think that this was all my fault.

"Stupid Ava! Why don't you tell me anything? I just want to help and support you, so why can't you see that?" Mari cried. I knocked on the door and entered. She looked up at me with red eyes and tears gently rolling off her face.

"I... brought you some coffee." She sat up and wiped her face before taking the cup and sipping the coffee. Mari sniffled a little more before setting the cup down and turning back to me.

"Now, is there anything else I should know? I have something to show you, but unless you are hiding something else then I won't show it." She said sternly. I shook my head, but decided to tell Mari some other things.

"Look, I'm sure you want to know why I, uh, did what I did... I love your parents so much, Mari. They are everything that my own parents aren't. They actually care for me, understand me, and treat me like their own daughter. Nathan and I were abused our whole lives. Our mother locked us up after school and on the weekends without food. During those times, our father tested out his new experimental drugs on us because it was cheaper to do that than pay people to test them. It was horrible. One day, they left the house with us still in the basement. There was some rope down there that they used to tie us down so they could administer the drugs. Nathan was asleep and I was so tempted. I just wanted it to end, you know? Freedom sounded great to me... Nathan soon woke up and helped me out of my noose before... It was too late. For once, they actually took me to the hospital. I was locked up in that place for a week, but I had everything I needed. Those two forgot my release date, so I took that opportunity to run away with Nathan. Every since then, we've been living alone. Does that explain everything? There we're a few parts I left out, but those are really uncomfortable to talk about..." Mari said nothing. Her eyes looked glossed over and empty. There are no such words to describe what I'm feeling right now, but the closest would simply be distraught.

"I'm... Glad you told me... Look, Ava, I'm so sorry I had to make you relive that. Now I have to make it worse for you..." Mari took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. On it was written and phone number and address. "Those two want to meet you tomorrow after school at their house. I'm not saying you have to go, but my dad said I should at least mention it to you... They don't want Nathan over, just you."

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