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Today is the day. The day that I... to Mari! As soon as we got home after I asked her to prom, she seemed to be in an unusually giddy mood. I mean, she was just asked out my me, but there seems to be something else going on... I think she's hiding something from me, but I'm not sure what exactly. We were now preparing to leave for dinner before we went to prom. It was only 6:23 pm, but God knows what can happen along the way! Vixen and Riley couldn't make it because they had other plans *wink wink*, so it would just be Mari and I for dinner tonight. We didn't really speak much on the way to Mari's favorite restaurant La Neta because it was sort of obvious that we were both feeling awkward. It wasn't until we ordered when she started a conversation up.

"Remember when I said that I got accepted to a college, Ava?" I nodded and kept my head down, avoiding eye contact with her as I did so, "Well, the college is in California..." She finished, twirling her long gold locks as she stared down at her food.

"T-that's great news..." She chuckled and intertwined her fingers into mine. She didn't say a word to me for a moment, but perked my head up with her free hand.

"I wasn't planning on going alone, Ava. I was thinking of bringing you with me so you could go to the high school that's nearby... if you're up for it I mean..." I smiled warmly at her offer and nodded.

"I would love that! I can't live without you anymore, Mari, so I'm so glad we won't be separated!" I turned my hand in her palm and grasped her's back. Time flew by in the restaurant, and soon we were off to the dance. It begins at 8:00pm, so we had to wait in the car for a few minutes because we were early. Again, we kept quiet and instead simply held hands while we hung out in the car.

"I love you... Ready to go in?" She asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be..." We hurried on inside the school and got on with dancing and hanging out. The music was too loud to really talk to each other, but no words were needed to know that we were having fun together. Even Devin and Lara were at the dance together as a couple, which was weird since they had stopped talking to each other over that incident. Fast paced songs were played the majority of the time at the dance, but some slow songs were played here and there. Sometime during the playing of a pop song, Mari snuck off to a group of her own friends while I stayed by the refreshment tables.

"You got this... The next song will be a slow song, so just get it over with, Ava..." I muttered to myself, peering over at Mari who was talking to some of her own friends. They seem to be... more like Mari... Can I really bring her happiness? Am I really the one for her? I don't deserve Mari... Without second thoughts, my feet dragged myself over to Lara and Devin who were sitting close to the exit. They were about to speak to me, but I cut them off and went instead.

"If Mari asks you where I am, please just tell her I headed home. I don't feel very good..." Lara stood up and grabbed my wrist before I would walk any further.

"Oh really? After all you two went through, now you're getting cold feet? You're pathetic, Ava. I hope you have fun at home." She said, letting me go with a scowl on her face. I continued on outside and walked to the car when a voice behind me called out. It was Mari. She hurried over to me and pushed me against the car.

"Why are you leaving me, Ava? You're the one who asked me to prom after all..." She sniffled. I frowned and moved her hands off of me.

"Mari, do you actually like me? Are you content with me?" She took a few steps back in shock.

"Why are you asking me this now? Of course I love you, Ava! Would I take in a random stranger, spend all this time together, go through hard times, and go to prom if I didn't like you? Ava, I do love you! Why are you action so weird tonight?" I sighed and rubbed the back of my head as soon as she asked that uncomfortable question.

"Because... Tonight was supposed to be a very special night..." She shook her head and brushed the hair that was in my face back.

"Tonight is a very special night. Just come back inside so we can spend the rest of the night together like we were supposed to, ok?" I nodded and followed Mari back inside. We spent most of the night talking rather than dancing, but as soon as the final slow song came on we headed out to the floor to dance. Mari leaned on me and we danced together to the rhythm. It was quite... nice... As soon as the song ended though, I knew it was time. I tapped Mari on the shoulder before she could walk back to our seats and knelt down before her, opening the ring case to present two chrome promise rings. She was surprised and even jumped back a bit, but soon she covered her mouth and tears rolled down her face.

"Mari Cross, you have changed my life completely. Without you, I wouldn't be here today and probably would have even gotten mixed up in negative influences. You have supported me since day one. Mari, you are my everything and my true love. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?" Mari kept her hands over her mouth and nodded quickly with a sheepish "Yes". She hurried over to me and tackled me to the ground with an array of emotions. Now, even if we are going to California, at least Mari will be mine forever...

—Months later in California—

It was now November. Mari and I have been living together for quite a while in California and have finally gotten used to our new schools. I'm finally a senior while Mari is now a freshman in college. We both wear our promise rings, even though they aren't really engagement rings, but hopefully I'll be able to afford our wedding rings soon enough so we can finally get married. I already promised Mari that I would at least pay half for the rings, but she doesn't seem convinced so there may be an early wedding... School is almost over for today, so as I eargerly wait for the final bell to ring I twiddled my fingers. Right on cue, the bell rang and I ran to my locker to get my book bag and hurry outside to Mari who had just gotten out of class. She stood by the concrete arch by the school exit and waved to me before coming over to hug me.

"How were your classes today?" She asked me, intertwining her fingers with mine. I explained my day to her as she nodded to it. I came up with a question and leaned into her ear to ask it.

"Happy are you right now, Mari?" I asked. She chuckled lightly and leaned into my ear with her reply.

"I'm extremely happy, Ava..."

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