Chapter 9

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Blaine honked the horn of his car the next morning to tell Kurt to come out. He came out, sat in the front seat and grabbed Blaine's hand. He seemed oddly happy this morning. "Are you ok? Anything happen with Finn last night after I left?" "Nope, he was trying to talk to me but I ignored him. I don't need him, your all I need." They kissed and we're off to Mckinley. On the way there a song came on the radio called "Won't Stop Running"  and Kurt started humming along, Blaine has never heard him sing or hum before so he was very happy to hear him for the first time. "You have a beautiful voice Kurt." Kurt started blushing now realizing what he was doing. "Sorry I didn't realize I was doing that." "It's ok, I love this song, want to sing it?" "Of course." They sang together the whole ride there and they sounded perfect together, it was meant to be. Once they got to the school Blaine parked in the lot, got out and ran to the other side of the car. He opened the door for Kurt like the gentleman he is. Once Kurt got out they said their goodbyes. "I'm going to miss you." Kurt says with a sad look. "I know, I will too, but I'll be here before you know it." "Ok I love you." "I love you too sweetheart." They gave a quick kiss, then Blaine got in his car and drove away. As soon as Kurt walked into the school Rachel ran up to him. "KURT I NEED TO TALK TO YOU." "Nice to see you too Rachel." Kurt says as he arrives at his locker and opens it. "Do you know what everyone is talking about????" "No I just got back, what?" "That YOU have a boyfriend, Mercedes and Tina told be but now EVERYONE knows."  "No one at this school can know!! They will hurt me and maybe Blaine too!! How did this happen?" "Azimio saw you kiss Blaine outside of breadstixs. They are planning to corner you and throw like 15 slushies at you. Be prepared Kurt." Rachel says before walking away. "Oh no" Kurt mutters.

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