Chapter 20

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Kurt's phone went off every 5 minutes. "Rachel what do I do? He keeps texting me!" "What is he saying?" "Well he wrote a long message. Do you want me to read it?" "Yes Kurt, read it, we need to know if he truly wanted to propose to you." "Ok here it goes... Kurt please hear me out, I love you more than words can describe, I want to explain this whole situation to you but not over text maybe we can talk it out over dinner or something. I just need you to know you are the most special boy in the world. When I saw you at the hospital I knew what love at first sight meant. You are my soul mate. Please please please I beg you just meet me at breadstixs tomorrow night at 8. Just send a simple ok if your going. Man I love you so much Kurt." Kurt wiped some tears and looked at Rachel. "I think you should hear him out. He seems to really love you. Maybe he made a mistake." "Your right, I'm going to text him." Kurt writes a simple ok and Blaine reads it literally one second later. It said "Thank you so much Kurt! You won't regret it!" He stared at his phone. "I'm so nervous Rachel. What if he try's to kiss me or hug me? He hurt me and I just know he will call me beautiful and perfect but I don't want to give in. What should I do?" "Give him the cold shoulder. Show him that it won't be that easy to get you back. It's getting late, I better head home, are you ok?" "I'm fine, thank you so much." She kissed him on the cheek and left the house. He headed up to his room and laid on his bed. He turned to his night stand and stared at pictures of them together. He hoped there was a good explanation for this whole mess.

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