Chapter 11

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"Blaine Anderson?" "Yes that's me!" Blaine said rising up from his seat in the waiting room. "You can see Kurt now." Blaine ran to Kurt's room, took a deep breath and walked in. Kurt was cuddled up in many blankets and reading a vogue magazine. "Hi Kurt, how are you?" "Blaine! Please come here." Blaine walked over and sat in the chair beside Kurt and held his hand. "I'm really sorry Blaine, I was such a jerk." "It's ok, are you in pain? What happened?" "To be honest Blaine, I'm hurting. They added rocks into the slushies so now I have bruises and after that they punched me a few times. My eyes were red because some of the slushies went in my eye. Ever since then, I'm not able to see as well and they said it may have messed up my vision, I'm going to need glasses. Will you still love me with glasses?" "1) your beautiful any way. 2) I'm am so sorry. I hate what they did to you, I want to hurt them Kurt. You are too amazing for this. Why can't the world see that? I love you so much." "I'm so tired Blaine, I've been fighting these guys for a long time and I just can't anymore." They sat there in silence until Blaine broke it. "I'm transferring schools." Kurt sat up and looked at him wide eyed. "What?!?!? Where?!?!? Please tell me not far away!!!" "Kurt I'm transferring to Mckinley. I'm not going to have you go to school everyday when someone is dangerous." "Thank you so much Blaine, I'm going to feel a lot more safe now that your there. Now come and give me a hug!" Blaine jumped up and hugged Kurt tight. Then after he gave him a kiss. "Your so amazing Kurt. I don't get why people hurt you." "I wonder that everyday. At least I have someone who cares about me." "Always." Only if they knew Dave Karofasky was right outside the door, listening to their conversation.

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