Chapter 19

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When Blaine and Kurt arrived at the Anderson home, dinner was already ready. They sat down at the dining room table and started conversation. "So Kurt where are you going to college?" Blaine's father asked. "I'm going to NYADA." Kurt answered with a smile. "Are you going to be living with Blaine then?" Blaine's mom asked. Kurt looked at Blaine and he knew it was the right moment to tell them about the engagement. "Yes we are, yesterday I proposed to Kurt and he said yes." His parents stared at him dead in the eye. "No Blaine, I'm putting my foot down on this one, you already proposed to two other guys!!! They said yes then you broke off the engagement! I'm not letting you hurt Kurt, he seems like such a great guy!" His dad yells. "Blaine is that true?" Kurt asks, with tears in his eyes. Before Blaine could respond his dad turned to Kurt and asked a serious question. "Kurt how did he propose to you?" "He sang I don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith then he said how much he loved me and proposed." "Are you kidding me Blaine! I'm sorry to tell you this Kurt but he did that same exact thing to the other guys." Blaine's mother said. Kurt looked at his ring, took it off and put it on the table. He started crying and muttered out "Thank you for dinner, I have to go." He got up and ran down the street because he didn't have his car. He ran all the way home and even worse it was raining.

    When he got to his house he slammed the door closed and ran up to his room. Luckily Rachel was over, she would know exactly what to do. She ran up there and walked into Kurt room, all his wet clothes were on the floor and he was in his PJs crying on his bed. Rachel walked over and gave him a huge hug. "Kurt what happened?" "Blaine.." Is all he could say. "Did he break up with you? Because if he did I will.." She started to say. "No he didn't, I found out he proposed to two other guys in the last two years and did it the exact same way as he did to me, he doesn't really love me." "Oh Kurt, I'm so sorry, let's order a pizza and watch the notebook, you can get all those tears out." "Aren't you here to see Finn?" "My best friend duty calls, I must be with you right now, not him." As soon as they were about to go downstairs Finn comes up to Kurt's room to give him a message. "Dude, Blaine's here. Do you want me to say anything to him?" "Yeah tell him to go away and to never speak to me again!!" Kurt says as he starts crying again. Finn nods and delivers the message to Blaine.

   Blaine walked out the door, how could he get Kurt back? He needed to think of a plan so Kurt knew he was the one......

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