Chapter 24

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A week later, it was the day of their wedding. Kurt woke up a little later, something was different. Kurt was missing Blaine's warm embrace around him. He got up and went into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. He found a note on the table and it was from Blaine. "Hey sweetheart, got up early to go to Sams, I love you and I can't wait to see you at the alter. xoxo -Blaine." Kurt smiled to himself and called up his bridesmaids, he was the one who was going to walk down the isle with a bouquet of flowers. When they all arrived, Rachel helped Kurt with his hair while Brittany attempted to iron his suit. "Ok all done! Let's head to the venue." They all hopped in the car and went to go meet their family and friends. After around an hour of waiting Kurt was moments away to be married to the love of his life. The doors opened and all his bridesmaids walked down the isle. When Kurt entered the room, everyone rised. Blaine started to get tears in his eyes. He has never seen such a beautiful sight. When Kurt got up there Blaine said "you look beautiful." "Thank you, so do you." They held hands the entire time they were saying their vows. "Do you Blaine Anderson take this man as your husband?" "I do" "Do you Kurt Hummel take this man as your husband?" "I do." They exchanged rings and were only seconds always to being husbands. "I now pronounce you you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom." Blaine leaned in and gave him a kiss. Everyone cheered as they walked down the isle. "I now introduce you for the first time, Mr. and Mr. Anderson- Hummel!!" Once they were out of the room Kurt gave Blaine a big huge and kiss. "We are married Blaine! Can you believe it?!? We are husbands." "I can believe it Kurt. I knew I was meant to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you so much." "I love you more Blaine."

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