Chapter 26

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It was their first day in Magic Kingdom and they couldn't be more excited. Since they were staying in the park, they got to go in early. They walked in, holding hands, this was Kurt's first time there so since Blaine has already been there before, he let Kurt decide everything they are going to do. "Blaine can we get our picture taken? Please!!" "Of course we can babe, anything you want." They walked up to the photographer that was right in front of the castle. Kurt ran in front of the camera. Blaine whispered something to the man and he smiled. Blaine went to Kurt and he had a plan in mind. "Kurt put your arms around my neck and stare into my eyes." "Ok" They did that and he took the picture. Blaine surprised Kurt with a kiss, this was the plan, the photographer took the picture. Kurt giggled and Blaine thought that was adorable. "Two more, do whatever poses you want." They did a regular photo and one of them laughing. "Thank you very much Sir." Blaine and Kurt said. "No problem, you two are a cute couple." "Thank you!" Kurt said enthusiastically. "Ok honey, where are we off to?" "I don't know, where do you want to go Blaine?" "You know splash mountain is a fun ride." "Awesome! Its even more amazing because I get to experience it with my husband for the first time." They walked to frontier land and up to the ride. All of a sudden Blaine felt Kurt grasp onto his hand even tighter. "You ok sweetheart?" Blaine asked "Yeah, it's just that the drop looks pretty big." "Ohhhh your a little nervous. I promise it is 100% safe. But if you don't want to go, I totally understand." "No no, I'll go." "Ok let's get in line!"

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