Chapter 10

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Kurt was taking extra long to come meet Blaine. He expected Kurt would run out of those doors and run into his arms but nothing happened. He decided to go check on Kurt, he walked in the building and in the corner of the first hallway was Kurt hugging his legs and crying with a blue substance all over him. Blaine ran over and gently placed a hand on his shoulders. Kurt's first instinct was to keep hitting whoever it was and Blaine grabbed his hands and kissed them. Kurt looked up and hugged Blaine tight. "I'm so sorry Blaine." "Don't be sorry!! What happened? Are you ok? Did you get hurt??" "I-I-m-m" he started to say but when Blaine felt his forehead he realized he was freezing and his hands were turning purple. "Kurt come here." Kurt scooted over to Blaine and Blaine took Kurt's jacket off to replace with his own. Kurt was still shivering so he picked him up and brought him to his car. "Kurt I'm brining you to the hospital." "NO BLAINE NO MORE HOSPITALS!! IM SICK OF IT." "Kurt you need medical assistance, you are freezing, nothing can get you warm right now. Also your eyes are really red." "I hate you!!" Kurt yelled. It punched Blaine in the heart but he knew Kurt didn't mean it. When they arrived to the ER they saw Kurt and took him right way. Blaine waited all night, he needed to find out who did this to him.

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