Astrological sign

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All through dinner Draco had been watching Hermione from across the hall while she chatted with Luna Lovegood and could see her sneaking looks at Potter who was sitting across from her. Sometimes smirking and other times she expressed mock shock or hurt. What he didn't know, or more couldn't see, was that Hermione and Harry were playing with each others feet under the table, nudging and lightly kicking, but mostly trying to get the shoes off the other by only using their own feet.

Draco was glaring at the scene, unknown to him that he was feeling slightly jealous watching them. Draco may not have noticed his own jealousy but Blaise and Pansy certainly had, but they kept their mouths shut.

Draco Malfoy was now roaming the empty halls late in the evening, just directly after curfew. The Head Boy badge hidden under his robes. He was doing his first round for that week. He had to do it three times a week including other responsibilities he had to do. Draco wasn't sure why the Headmistress had offered the Head Boy position to him in the first place and also wasn't sure why he had accepted. He believed it was mostly because he had the time considering he didn't have a social life anymore, but also because he wanted to make good impressions. To help mend his reputation a little.

Draco was just on the stone stairs when he heard the soft sound of a page turning. He frowned thinking he may have imagined it, but then he sees Hermione sitting on the high ledge next to the window. A book laid closed next to her while she was drawing on a notepad. Draco continued to watch her hands move over on the paper, mesmerizing him.

"It's rude to stare." Draco jumped when she spoke, her eyes still glued to her drawing. Hermione had heard him come from ages away and had the opportunity to escape being found. She had considered it but decided against it, not wanting to go back to the Gryffindor tower and having to socialize. She needed some time for herself and drawing always calmed her down.

"It's past curfew." He snapped at her, pointing out the obvious. Hermione snorted and was silently laughing, making Draco's jaws clench in embarrassment, thinking that she was laughing at him. Hermione looks away from her drawing pad and smiles at Draco, the setting sun shining through the window behind her. Giving her skin an unnatural glow and Draco couldn't help but think of her as beautiful.

"I will leave once the sun sets. Though I could tell you the same thing. Why are you out?" Hermione's tone is teasing and a smirk plastered her face.

Draco moved his robe slightly to show his Head Boy badge. Hermione's smirk fell for a split second in surprise, but instantly it was there again.

"Of course you are." She sets her stuff down and pats the hard stone next to her, indicating for him to join her. Draco hesitated, looking at the high ledge, unsure how she got up there in the first place. Draco looks around, making sure that no one was watching them. He didn't want to get into trouble, considering he was supposed to be doing his rounds and deal with the students who were out after curfew. He glances at Hermione, torn between joining her and doing what he was supposed to do.

"You run and jump, grab the edge and pull yourself up." Hermione instructed him. He stops thinking it over and does what she says. Getting up was easier than what it looked like, he places himself opposite her and they both watch the dust dance in the setting sun between them. Draco tried to look out at first but the blinding sun had hurt his eyes and he decided against it quickly.

"I expected you to be the Head Girl though." Draco had expected the know-it-all Hermione Granger to be granted the position of Head Girl, though now it was, in Draco's opinion, an annoying Ravenclaw.

"I was offered the position, but I denied it." This shocked Draco immensely. He would have imagined her jumping for joy.

"You denied?" He couldn't keep the accusing tone out of his voice. Hermione only chuckled lightly and didn't take it to heart, the others reacted the exact same way. "Why did you?"

Hermione hesitated, "I want to enjoy my last school year, stress free." Draco couldn't argue with that, it is logical and yet illogical for someone like Hermione Granger. He didn't push it though and they welcomed the silence. Focusing on their own thoughts.

"What if the Grim Reaper was a good guy?" Hermione asked out of nowhere.

"What?" Draco cleared his throat. What was she on about? He had no idea where that had just come from.

"We all see him as a bad guy because he is linked with death, but why not try and see the positive side of death and imagine him as a good guy?" Draco understood that she was trying to see things from a different perspective but unfortunately he didn't understand her perspective.

"There's a positive side to death?" Hermione sighs deeply and rather disappointedly. She had hoped that he at least would understand what she was trying to say, she had no idea why but she wanted him to understand it. But even though he had been through so many horrible events in the past and so much had been linked with death, he still wasn't close enough to death to understand it. He never had the though of a clock ticking, counting down his time until he died. In a war it was only the now and surviving the now. But when it was over and one had the chance to think it through when everything was quiet and peaceful. It made one think beyond of what that person would usually think about. That is exactly what had happened with Hermione.

Hermione couldn't answer him so she just shrugged, looking away again. Though Draco continues to watch her, believing that he might have said the wrong thing. But he didn't know what else he was supposed to say. He observes her while the sun sets further, now making it easier to look outside, but he doesn't. The sight before him was much more beautiful and attention catching than the beautiful display of colours outside.

He notices a silver bracelet decorated with white Kristal looking beads, but what caught his attention was the white ribbon like charm hanging from it. He continues to look at it, trying to figure out where he had seen that before. He looks back up to her face and she still has her eyes closed.

"What does that symbol mean?" Hermione's eyes snap open and they pierce his curious eyes. Hermione follows his vision and notices him looking at her bracelet. She curses to herself, why had she decided to wear it? Hermione knew why though, it gave her some comfort. She didn't know why but she also didn't question it either. If it gave her some positive feeling then why should she question it?

"It's a symbol for Cancer." Her voice croaks slightly and her face became stony. She didn't want him asking, but he didn't understand that she didn't want to talk about it further.

"As in for a horoscope?" Draco was confused, thinking to remember that the cancer symbol for the horoscope looked different.

"No." She managed to push out, her throat suddenly tight, making it hard to talk.

"Then wha-" Draco was cut off before he could continue asking what it then meant.

"I have to go, it's late and the sun has set. I said I would only stay until then." She rushed out while messily grabbing her things and smoothly jumping down from the ledge. "I will see you tomorrow."

For the second time that day she stalks off, leaving his speechless. He had no idea what had just happened but he knew that it was something she wanted to avoid.

Hermione knew that she had given away a lot. But he was a pureblood, which mostly meant that they had no idea of the Muggle world. They didn't have illnesses here like cancer and therefor had no idea of what it was. Hermione hoped that that was enough to keep him oblivious like everyone else.

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