Blind love

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Over the fast few weeks Hermione knew that her time was running short. She could feel it in her body, though she wasn't sure if it was the chemo or the Cancer itself. All she knew is that her body is getting worse and very soon she will have a hospital bed for a long time to come after that, that is if she doesn't die within the first few weeks.

Hermione knew she had to make some process with Harry and the others. Deciding that Harry would be the easiest to talk to. As far as Hermione knew they didn't hate her or anything, just as she doesn't hate them, but perhaps disappointed or annoyed.

Hermione waited in the common room for Harry to pass by and go to dinner like the rest of the Gryffindor students. After a while it was only her left waiting, she was suddenly nervous that he might have already passed her and she might just have missed it. Instead she forces herself to sit in the shadows of the common room for a little longer. After a few minutes of watching the fire blaze and hearing the crackling noise echo through the empty room, Harry finally made an appearance. His heavy stomping down the stairs indicated his arrival. Hermione was just about to stand up to make herself known as he reached the bottom but Harry was running late for dinner and ran out of the door. She sprung to her feet to follow him, but her vision turned black and started swaying on her feet. Forcing herself after him, with great difficulty, the blackness in her vision disappeared painfully slow.

"Harry." Harry hears his name being called as he leaves the common room. Turning around to see his former bushy haired friend, her short hair defining her features. He notices that her movements are slower and not as rushed as they used to be, as if she had trouble walking. "Harry wait." He hesitates before he stops and faces her approaching form following him from the common room. No one else is around to seem them or hear them, giving them some privacy for a while. He looks back to her and notices that her eyes had a far away look in them, as if trying to see something in the air around them.

"What is it?" Harry tries to keep his voice neutral and polite as possible, not knowing what to expect form the witch. Her expression is hopeful but grim and she slows down, stopping a few steps from him.

"I would like to talk to you properly." She clears her throat painfully and her expression grimaces for a quick second before returning to her former one. "Without the others around." Her eyes don't sparkle and she frowns slightly in his direction.

"About what?" Harry couldn't remember the last time he had properly spoken to her oven said a word to her at all. Her distancing herself and then the rumours floating around constantly hindered it. "Suddenly you want to talk now? After avoiding us for months?" He accuses her.

"Harry, I just want to talk and clarify some things." She tries to keep herself calm and collected, trying to minimize her headache. Hermione had to get her thoughts straight, knowing that she had to chose her words right to get them across.

"We haven't done that in ages." Harry blurts out casually, but there was still an accusing edge to his voice. Hermione isn't stupid, she knew that he was accusing her of them not talking. For a few moments she wondered if it really was her fault, if it was because of her stubbornness and ignorance that they hadn't spoken with each other, though she knew that it wasn't only her.

"Well, it takes two to tango." Her voice snappy and returning the accusing tone, while stepping closer to him with her eyes narrowed.

"Are you blaming me for us not speaking?" He steps closer threateningly, but that was it. Even if he could threaten her, he wouldn't. Harry tries hard to keep is face as calm as hers. Her face was smooth and patient, as if she didn't care for his angry outbursts.

"You know I'm not. Even though it might be." Harry was about to open his mouth to object but she continues. "It is partly my fault, but don't think you are not to be blamed." She points a finger at him and her eyes are hard. "I may have distanced myself, but so have you and the others. Not once did you guys ask me if something was wrong or bothered to comfort me in any way. Not that I wanted the attention or you prying into my personal life, but never did I expect that you would believe what the others had been saying about me." Harry stares at her speechless and Hermione sighs deeply, her tone still strict and calm, but this time there was disappointment. "I would have though you out of all people wouldn't believe rumours. Considering how many lies had been said about you in the past years. Harry I was always there for you."

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