Old family

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Hermione and Draco spent most of their Christmas holidays together. Even though Hermione had to spend some of that time in Hospital. Draco met her parents and they where happy to finally meet him. They went to the Australian Zoo and Hermione got to hold and pet all sorts of animals. To Draco's displeasure, the animals she wanted to hold or pet the most were dangerous animals. He had to restrain himself from bringing his wand out when she had an anaconda slung over her shoulders or when she pet a baby alligator. Even the claws on the koala made him nervous. Hermione on the other hand had the best time and was enjoying every moment of Draco's discomfort.

After they spent Christmas at her place with her parents they both separated ways in England and spent the day there. Because of the time difference they both had the whole day. Draco went home to his parents and Hermione went to the burrow. Even though there was tension between them she didn't want to neglect the rest of the Weasley's because of that. Hermione only spent the day there and planned to meet Draco in Diagon Alley the next day.

Hermione stands in front of a Quidditch store waiting for Draco to show up. He finally shows up and hugs her in greeting. "Are you ready?"

Hermione wasn't sure if she was but she didn't want to tell him that. This means a lot to him and because of that she was going to do it.

"Sure. Lets go." Hermione almost sighs in relief when it doesn't sound strained.

Draco smiles in excitement and they both floo to their destination.

Hermione goes after him and when she arrives through the fire place and tries to stick her landing. Hermione brushes off any dirt that may have landed on her robes and looks at her surroundings. Her nose flares and her jaw clenches as she remembers the last time she was here. Even though it was re-decorated and looked much more homey, it still made her feel tense.

Draco rubs her shoulders, trying to relieve the tension. "Welcome to my humble home." he jokes. Hermione restrains form snorting. Her house is considered humble, not his. Hermione bites her tongue and only nods in response. Trying her hardest not to look around too closely, but she also couldn't look at Draco. Because if she did he would see how much she didn't want to be there.

"Honey, Draco is home." A woman's voice can be heard from the other side of the doorway. If Draco hadn't held her, she would have made a run for it back to the fire place. Hermione's chest hurt with panic and fear and all rationality left her. 'What is this is a trap?' 'OMG this is a trap.' 'I can't die yet, they promised me a few more months at least. Well, ok. THEY didn't, but still.' Draco could hear her heavy breathing and tried to sooth her which rubbing her back gently. He worried that she might over exert herself and pass out. Draco had warned his parents that he was bringing Hermione over and they had promised to be on their best behaviour. They were even looking forward to it and also wanted to make amends.

An elegantly dressed woman enters the room and strides over to them. "Draco." She hugs him tightly and then moves over to Hermione. "And Hermione Granger. It is so nice to finally formally meet you." She hugs Hermione more gently than Draco, remembering Draco's warning about treating her carefully. He had not told his parents why and they had tried to get him to tell them but he wouldn't budge.

"You too, Mrs Malfoy." Hermione's voice is quiet and nervous.

"Please call me Narcissa." Hermione nods almost frantically. Hermione shouldn't be nervous about this woman, she wasn't as bad as her husband. That alone made her even more nervous about her own behaviour. If this is how she reacts around her, then how will she react around the Malfoy senior.

Lucius Malfoy enters, halting the conversation between Draco and his mother. Hermione's eyes stay strained on his every step, ready to react to any attack in her direction. Lucius Malfoy still has his signature long hair, but it is less neat as it used to be. His features appear softer than they used to be, less strained and far more carefree. As he strode closer to the group Hermione stepped behind Draco to avoid being in his direct line of sight and to watch how he treated Draco.

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