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Hermione was almost embarrassed to walk into the dining hall for breakfast the following day. Hermione finally knew what the others thought of her and that made it so much harder. She tried to hard to not let anything that anyone said bother her, but when the whole school though the same rumour to be true, then it made it rather difficult for Hermione to hold her head high.

As Hermione scurries to her usual seat, she could feel all eyes on her. Perhaps it was just her paranoia but that didn't help her in any way. Hermione had never been self-conscious and hates herself for feeling it now. She didn't have her hair to hide behind anymore, making her face clear for everyone to see. Hermione doesn't feel the pressure lift as she sits, joining her friends. Looking at them and hoping that it would be better with them. None of them look her in the eyes and all conversation ceases. An uncomfortable silence ringing through their part of the table. Hermione's hand reaches into her robe pocket and she feels the list between her fingers. It gives her sad comfort, it reminds her instantly that she had bigger things on her plate and that she has to make the most of the time. She has to at least try and mend it.

"So what's going on?" Trying to sound as cheerful as she possibly could. They almost seemed surprised that she actually spoke. Harry clears his throat and Ron chews on his food. Ginny pretends to not have heard her while Neville and Luna exchange looks.

"Nothing really." Harry answers her. It wasn't what she was expecting and she tries not to get angry but she couldn't help getting annoyed.

"Then what's the matter? With all of you and me?" Hermione doesn't beat around the bush. She's not wasting time with this.

Again the silence was deafening in their group. No one answered her. Even Hermione could feel the fire in her eyes as she stares them down.

"I am sorry about what Kevin said, he had no right to say that to you." Harry apologizes for the Gryffindor boy from last night. "But..." Harry hesitates.

"But what?" She knew what he was about to say and she is angry, but even more so if he doesn't have the guts to say it.

"Hermione, Kevin has a point." Ron finally manages to finish the food in his mouth to speak. "What he said is true."

"Excuse me?" Hermione expresses disbelief by his words. How dare he? How could he believe such rumours? Hermione thought that her friends would at least stick up for her and support her. Never would she have thought that they would believe them.

"I mean look at you Hermione. You are literally wearing the proof. The hair and all. It's all there." Ron didn't cease and Harry almost nods in agreement. Hermione sees form the corner of her eye, Luna shaking her head at the boys. That at least gave some comfort. "What else could it be?"

Hermione was breathing heavily and desperately wanted to yell at them and tell them what was really going on. But now words left her, she couldn't. This time she knew that she couldn't tell them. Maybe it was her pride, maybe it was her anger or sadness. But she decided she didn't want to tell them of her cancer.

She breathes in deeply and closes her eyes. Ginny and Harry were just about to say something to her, but she cut them off by getting up abruptly and stalking from the table. Her eyes blazing with anger, but it hid the destruction they had caused.

Draco watched her form the other side of the hall, he couldn't hear their conversation, but he could see by her body language that she wasn't happy in the least. He watched Hermione leave them and Draco was unsure of what to do.

"Draco." Pansy drags his attention away from Hermione to her instead. He looks at Pansy with a pained expression. "Bring her over." Draco's eyes knit together in confusion.

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