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"I am slightly anxious about the Christmas holiday this year." Ginny sat opposite Hermione, flipping through a Christmas themed magazine.

"Why?" Hermione herself hadn't actually though that far ahead. Hermione tried to imagine how she wanted to spend her Holiday. Of course she wanted to go home for a period of time, but she also wanted to go somewhere else. It reminded her to ask Draco to see what he had planned.

"For starters, Ron wants to bring his new fangirl slash girlfriend home, which I don't want. Mom doesn't want that either, but what can we do? Percy is not coming at all. And it is the first Christmas without Fred." Ginny sat silently, staring into her magazine, not reading. Hermione wanted to say something, but she was unsure and hesitant.

"I can understand that you may not be looking forward to going home." Hermione could see the slight negativity there, but she would still be surrounded by family who loves her. "But I think it gives you even more reason to go home, especially after the war, and make the best of it. Mend the family relationship a bit." She knew that that was the right thing to say but at the same time she was still unsure.

"You're right. I know that, especially now, that that is really important now." Ginny's mood brightened and became more optimistic. Ginny glanced at her and then continued to read through her magazine.

"Harry is coming, right?" Hermione was pretty sure that he was going, she only asked to make conversation.

"Of course, you know you are welcome as well." Her eyes flickered from her magazine for a split second as she added the last part. Hermione though for a moment that she saw hesitance in the girls eyes.

"I know and thank you. I might come by during the holiday, but I want to spend time with my family and do some other things I have been wanting to do." Ginny nodded in understanding, but didn't look up from her magazine. Hermione watched her for a while after that and she knew that further conversation wouldn't be happening between them, so Hermione stood to leave.

She walked past a few Gryffindor students sitting at a table together, aiming to the exit of the common room.

"Hey Granger." Hermione turned her head towards the boy who sat with his mates. She looked at him questioningly, waiting for him to continue talking. "I heard that you are spending all of your time with the Slytherins, especially one known as Draco Malfoy." Many other students made sour faces or crinkled their noses at the mentioning of his name and it angered her immensely.

"So?" She nervously glances around the room, but kept her voice strong, everyone else who was in the common room were also listening.

"So it's true then?" He remained sitting and nudged another boy and they grinned to each other. "Hermione Granger has really sunken low." His tone was mocking and venomous. Hermione's eyes narrowed in response, she didn't like it that they were calling her low only because of her company they didn't approve of.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Her voice still remained strong and threatening, making some cease their snickering and watch her nervously. They all knew that she was good with her magic and wasn't afraid to use it if necessary.

But the boy continues, "Spending your time with Death Eaters instead of your former friends." Hermione almost cringed at 'former'. What was he on about? She looked at where Ginny sat and they made eye contact, but she quickly turned back to her magazine, avoiding her. "Not to mention your grades and school work, we have all noticed that. Everyone has. I mean, who wouldn't? Know it all Granger slacking off?" Hermione knew that everyone else knew, but she would have though that people would mind their own business when it came to that. Hermione could tell by watching the boy, who was only a year younger than her, that he wanted to get a reaction out of her. So far he hadn't hit home. Hermione wonders to herself while watching the group of boys, if they had experienced hardship during the war or even in their lifetime. You would think after the war and all of the losses, that people would become more open minded and tolerant. But perhaps this boy hadn't experienced real emotional pain or problems. Hermione frowned at him, saddened and annoyed by his behaviour.

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