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Hermione pulls her headphones out of her ears rather violently. Incredibly frustrated with her old I-pod. It kept pausing and the volume kept changing even if she wasn't touching it. How was she supposed to listen to her music peacefully when it kept playing up? Hermione was sitting on the grass near the lake, she had a free period and decided that she didn't want to spend that time with Ron and Harry. Harry's attention was all on Ginny at the moment and Ron had found a Ravenclaw girl a grade below them to waste his time with. Ever since Hermione had made it clear to him that she didn't want to date anyone, Ron averted his attention to his stalkers. Most of them were female but Hermione was sure that she had also seen a few males here and there. She was sure however that Ron would only give the females his attention, knowing all too well that he appreciated the female body too much. She tried not to judge, she really did.

Draco had watched her from afar while approaching her, but he slowed down slightly when he noticed her frustration, almost turning back around before she saw him. But when she did spot him he knew he couldn't run now. He'd seen her run around campus in the mornings before class and he definitely knew that he wouldn't win. It didn't make him feel better knowing that even with Cancer and Chemo that she was till faster than him.

Draco continues to cruise towards Hermione and sits down on the grass next to her.

"How was your day?" Her voice was playful.

"I made it through the day without beating anyone with a chair. I'd say my people skills are improving." Draco's voice was monotone and Hermione couldn't help but giggle, something that was considerably rare for her.

Draco reaches over her to get her I-pod, which she had thrown on the ground moments ago. Hermione plays with his hair as he leans over rests her head on his shoulder once he leant back again. Draco inspects her I-pod carefully and Hermione watches in amusement.

"What is this exactly?" He finally questions after inspecting her headphones. Hermione pulls it out of his hand and pulls the headphones out of the I-pod.

"We call this an I-pod. It plays music. Mine is broken though." She sighs in frustration and searching for the song she wanted to show him. "It keeps playing up, but only after 10 minutes of continuous playing, before that it's fine." She presses play and the music plays quietly before she turns it up.

The song had already started and Hermione stood up and tried to pull Draco up as well. Draco understood and followed her.

Draco was nervous but exited when she placed his hands on her waist and kept them there when she placed hers around his neck.

"What song is this?" They spun around then stayed with the rhythm of the song.

"Stay." She whispered into his ear and spun out of his grasp and spun under his outstretched one. Hermione did a small pirouette and it encouraged Draco to dance with her.

"I don't know if I can." He mumbled back. Right now she was the most important reason why he hadn't left yet, not that he would admit it to her. Scared of her reaction if he did.

"Right now I want you to stay." Hermione sang quietly with the song. Surprising him that she hit the tune beautifully.

"How did you know?" It suddenly occured to him that he hadn't told anyone that he thinking on leaving. That he couldn't handle it anymore. "I haven't told you, I haven't told anyone."

"You didn't need to." She told him as she continued to play with his hair. "I see that look everyday in the mirror."

"Why have you stayed then?" He was curious.

"Because I wanted to spend more time with my friends, I wanted to graduate properly, I wanted to get away from home and I wanted to start over."

"Start over with what?" he spins her around and look her in the eyes seriously.

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