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Hermione had to spend an extra day at the hospital and managed to convince Draco to go back to Hogwarts for the day. Draco promised to be back before she is released. For the day Hermione's parents came over and spent time with their daughter. It is early in the morning, almost 5:00 am. That was the one of the only times they could spend time with her in the hospital, considering the time differences. they were going through photos they had made with Draco when they went to the Australian Zoo and Hermione had the chance to come in contact with many of the native animals.

"Oh Hermione, do you really want to go back to Hogwarts?" Hermione's mother asks her, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Hermione's mother could clearly see that Hermione's health was getting worse and she wanted to spend more time with her daughter.

Hermione swings her legs back and forth on the edge of the bed, now in her normal clothes waiting to be released. Hermione bites her lip and looks at her mother sadly, but taking her question into consideration. The headmistress would understand if she decided to go home. But it also meant that Hermione would have to let the others know why she was actually going and she wasn't ready to do that. Then there where her new friends she had made and most importantly Draco. Draco is the only reason why she doesn't instantly agree to her mothers suggestion.

"Mom, I have round about 4 to 5 months of school left until I graduate." In fact today is Valentines day and Hermione is stuck in a hospital. Even though that is how long it will take until she graduates, it is also about the time she was told she had left, but it also may not be. Hermione could push it for another year, or even survive it.

"But I will ask the headmistress if a can take a few days off to come and spend more time with you throughout the next months. This time not in the hospital." Hermione added the last part with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. Hermione's mother accepted that option, but only for now.

"We can start with that." Hermione's father agreed with her suggestion, making eye contact with is wife, trying to get her to accept it.

Hermione's mother sighs in defeat. "All right." She soothingly rubs Hermione's arms and smiles at her.

Hermione glances at the clock on the wall. "Draco is going to be here soon." She announces to her parents. It is early morning there in Australia and it is late in the evening at Hogwarts. "How long are you staying?" Hermione watches her parents with hopeful eyes.

"Honey, if you want us to stay longer we will." Her father exclaims, but glances at the clock as well. Hermione doesn't miss his slight worry flicker in his eyes when he does. Her parents needed to get to work, but the hated leaving her. Hermione wanted them to stay longer, but she couldn't be selfish. They needed that job and she knew they couldn't use her as an excuse.

"You can go. I know you need to be at work soon." She tried hard not to let her disappointment sound in her voice. Hermione felt her eyebrows flicker into a frown for just a second, almost giving away her true feelings.

Hermione's mother was just about to say something when Draco walked in. Hermione made his presence known. "See? Draco is here. No need to worry and linger around." Draco's presence did indeed brighten her mood. Her parents greet him as he walks past them and he sends them a tired greeting in return. He leans down and gives Hermione a kiss on the forehead. She smiles at him brightly, clear joy in her expression. That factor helped her parents leave, knowing that she was in safe hands.

"Alright honey." Her father kisses the top of her head and pats Draco on the back and steps back towards the door. Her mother follows his lead, but still lingers longer. "Make sure that you come home soon, ok?" She pushes forcefully but also gently.

"I will." Hermione assures her with a loose smile. After her mother lingers for a few seconds more they both finally leave to go to work.

Hermione directs her attention towards Draco. "Are you ready?" He helps her from the high bed and waits for her to pull her shoes on.

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