Just them

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"Welcome to Finland."

When Hermione opened her eyes, she notices that they were standing on the far end of the lobby, out of sight from the other guests. Most likely because Draco didn't want them too see him use magic as he undid the spell.

Hermione took the time to take in her surroundings. The floor was mostly made of marble and some parts were covered in rich red carpet. Her eyes travelled over the display of comfortable lounges, different plants and people spread though the room.

"What? Why?" Hermione spins around to face Draco who was watching her with a bright smile on his face. It made him happy to watch her face express the awe and excitement she was feeling.

"Why not?" He answers her question with a question. She only frowns at his answer and crosses her arms.

"I don't like you spending all of this money on me for no reason." She shifts on he feet and looks away, avoiding his disappointed eyes. "First you take me to Bora Bora, then the extravagant presents, the tattoo and now this?" She still avoids his eyes, unsure herself of what she was actually avoiding. She didn't know if it was it his anger or disappointment.

Draco suddenly felt bad. He was sure that she would be jumping from delight, not scolding him and shrinking away like a shy child who just got told off. It was always hard not to spend money on her, even when she always told him not to spend a single thing for her after that trip to Bora Bora and then again after every gift. This is how he was raised, when his parents would show some kind of affection towards him there was always money involved. Most of the other girls appreciated him spending money on them, even if there had been some who felt insulted when he did.

"I'm sorry." Hermione must have heard the despair in his cracking voice, because her head snapped up instantly to meet his frowning expression. "I know you don't like it when I spend money on you, but-" Hermione panics and cuts him off before he can continue.

"No, it's not that." She cuts him off, her voice desperate. But she doesn't continue and continues to avoid his eyes. She could feel is grey eyes piercing through her turned head and she couldn't bare to look.

"Then what?" Draco tries to supress his agitation, knowing that showing any sort of negative emotion would not help either of them at that moment.

She finally looks him in the eyes properly and she sighs deeply. "I hate it that you can give me so much in life and I can't give you anything in return."

"What are you talking about?" Draco grabs her shoulders and squeezes gently. "Are you worried about the money? Because I love spoiling you and I don't expect anything materialistic in return from you."

Hermione's face scrunches up and she sighs deeply again.

"You know it's not just that." Draco stays silent and he watches her eyes flicker around the lobby nervously. "You give me so much, materialistic and not. I honestly at this point couldn't care if you spend money on me or not. Because if it means I get to spend time with you then I couldn't care where we are and what he have."

A tear runs down her cheek and he expects her to be finished and he leans in to kiss her but just as his lips brush hers she speaks. "You are giving me all of your time in the world but I can't give you more than what I have." Hermione can't give him what he deserves, because he deserves better than her. He deserves a girl who can give him more than a few years, let alone a few months. Draco's heart clenches as he watches her tears fall from her brown eyes.

He pulls her into a hug gently and she buries her face into his hard chest.

"You are everything I could ever want. Never think differently." He whispers into her hair sternly. They stay wrapped in each others embrace for a while, concentrating on the each others comforting energies.

Draco holds her until she calms down. He pulls away first and smiles down at her.

"Should we get going?" The grin on his face lighting up her own instantly. Draco praised himself for having that effect on her. It made his day if his own smile could cheer her up.

"What do you have planned?" He could hear the tease in her voice and his grin widens. "Have you ever driven a snowmobile?"

Hermione's laughter rings like bells through the lobby and Draco could listen to that forever.

Draco had taken Hermione on a snowmobile, taken her to see the huskies she obsessed over, now wanting one herself and causing Draco to almost regret showing them to her. It took him a lot of patience and energy to try to lead her away from them.

Though the best always comes last. Draco took her to a glass igloo to watch the northern lights light up the sky in various colours.

For that evening Draco managed to make them both forget about all of their problems once again. Even if it was just for one night and they would have to return to Hogwarts the next morning for classes. Having to face reality again. Having to face the people and time itself.
They forgot about that for that night. The bullies and lies at Hogwarts didn't exist and there wasn't a clock ticking away in the back of their minds counting down the time they had left.

It was just them.

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