Good Terms

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We were sitting on Diamond's bed and he was still in shock at what I told him.
    " " So he just pinned  you on the wall and kissed you" he exclaimed. I nodded.
   " Travis is savage as fuck" he laughed " I bet you were so turned on"
   " Not even" I replied, bluntly.
   " You still not going to give him a chance" Diamond said, rolling his eyes.
  " No" I exclaimed " This is all part of his little game". He clicked his tongue
   " Can you stop thinking he's trying to pull something on you"
Diamond asked. I gave him a stank look.
   " He made it obvious that he was" he replied "I'm not getting my heartbroken"
   " Adrianna that's just how life is" he replied " you love, you get your heartbroken. You're very smart and you know you deserve but you forget what you want"
   " And I know damn well isn't Travis"  I replied.
  " Promise you, I know" I said
   " You are just stubborn" Diamond replied.
   "There's no other way I would be "I said.
" Adrianna" He exclaimed" It is okay to say you want that sexy-ness"  
   " But I would be lying because I don't want him" I snapped. He laughed.
   " Girl, just date the nigga or let him hit a few times" he chuckled.
   " I don't need a distraction" I replied.
   " Excuses, excuses" he mocked. I felt my pocket buzz, I took out my phone;
   Travis 😅 : Sorry about today😔
   " Who was that" Diamond asked.
  " Travis" I replied.
   " What did he say" he cooed.
   " He was just apologizing about what happened today" I replied.
   " And he's a gentleman" He yelled, falling back on the bed. " if you don't want him, can I have him". I chuckled and blushed. Diamond gasped.
   " You like him" he squealed.
   " No I don't" " I exclaimed.
   " Right" he replied with sarcasm.
   Adrianna: Its okay, I forgive you
Travis 😅" I'm really not trying to play you
Adrianna: Yeah, yeah
Travis 😅: Can we start over
Adrianna : Idk, I kind of like our arguments

  Travis 😅: That's why you let me kiss you 😘❤
Adrianna: No!! 😲😩 you caught my off guard
Travis 😅: Yeah, yeah
Adrianna:  Don't think I'm going to let you off the hook if we start over tho👊💢
Travis 😅: I hope not, that's a good trait most girls don't have
Adrianna: Well aren't you a expert on girls 
Travis 😅: Hey I am Mr. EasyAccess
Adrianna: Lol

  Travis: So, friends?

  Adrianna: Yeah, friends

" Do you still think he is playing a game on you" Diamond asked.
  " Hmm" I said shrugging my shoulders. " I'll give him the benefit of the doubt". He shook his head.
   " You like him" he mumbled
   " No, I don't" I replied.

Just because we are "friends" now, doesn't mean I'm letting him off the hook. He still has dome ways to go before I even consider it. Something drastic would have to happen for me to even think of giving him a chance. Which I know wont be anytime soon.

Truce, is Adrianna finally letting her guard down?  Vote, comment and share!

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