What Happened

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   Its been weeks since Travis and I broke up. The days he try to talk to me, I reject him. The days I try to talk to him, he rejects me. Diamond and Jade tell me everyday to talk to him. But if he doesn't want to talk then I'm not going to force it. I sat on my bed and scrolled my notes,  not even reading them, just looking at them. I heard a knock on my door.
    " Come in" I said. I saw the door open and it was Diamond. He gave me a weak smile and sat next to me. I looked over at him.
   " Wassup" I asked
    " You still don't know what happened with Travis and I, do you" he said
    "No, I don't" I answered. He scratched his head. He tried talking, but nothing was coming out.
    " He sat next to me" he started " and told me he knew what I asked you and he wanted to know why"
    " Yeah, I know that" I said " but what did you say". He sat in silence looking at his fingers.
    " Diamond, what did you say" I repeated. He still didn't answer.
    " Diamond" I snapped 
    " I told him to fuck off" he interrupted " saying you didn't want no nigga down her throat like that". I sat in shock, why would Diamond say that?
    " He was pissed and I kept going" he continued " saying he should watch his back, because I could easily steal you from him , because he was nothing but a fuck to you". I felt my heart crack. Travis was right.
    " He slapped me and so I started throwing punches and he threw me on the ground and started hitting me" Diamond finished. I slowly got off the bed. He wasn't lying and didn't believe him. I let him down, for Diamond.
   " Adrianna, I'm sor-" Diamond started
    " How could you" I yelled " I stood up for you, I believed you over his word"
    " Adri" he mumbled
" And for weeks you watched me cry myself to sleep. Thinking I made a mistake falling for him. You walked around, acting like the victim when you fucked up"
   I covered my face, I felt like crying. I was one of the most important people to him. And I let him down. I made him feeling like he meant nothing to me. I should text him, tell him I'm sorry. What am I talking about, he is probably still angry at me. What did I do?
    " I have to go" I croaked. I grabbed my keys and left. I drove, where I didn't know. I just needed to be alone. I had to get my mind straight. I had to figure out how I was going to talk to Travis.

  Well damn Diamond. Do you think Diamond was wrong? Why did he freak out like that? What is Adrianna going to say to Travis? Do you think he will talk to her? Vote, comment and share!

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