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I was in the hall and I saw Travis. I gave him a seductive look as I passed by him.
   Adrianna: Meet me in the janitor's closet 😏😉
  I walked straight to class. I sat down and text him again.
  Adrianna: Are you there?
  Travis 😅: Yeah
   Adrianna: Strip, I'll be there in a sec
    Travis 😅: Alright 😉
I put my phone away and pulled out the classwork.
   " Adrianna, have you seen Travis" Mrs. Rose asked.
   " He could've got lost" I answered " You know, new big school"  she nodded.
   " I'll give him ten minutes" she replied. I nodded and continued doing my work. A few minutes later, Travis came in the class. I looked up and chuckled.
   " Did you get lost, Mr. Wright" the teacher asked.
   " Yeah, a little" he answered.
    " Next time walk with anyone who's in the class, alright" she replied politely. He nodded  and sat next to me.
    " So where did you end up at" I asked "the gym or the nurses office"
   " Look I know what you are doing" he spat
   " And what is that" I asked, seeming clueless.
   " Oh come on, don't play dumb" he replied " I know you are playing me" I scoffed.
   " Playing you" I exclaimed " you're the one who started the game, I just played along"
   " I wasn't trying to play no game" he argued. 
   " Oh really" I argued back. " you asked me if you could be my boy toy, you were definitely trying to run something on me"
   " Travis and Adrianna" the teacher called "If you are arguing, can you please take it to the hall"
   " That's not necessary" I replied.
" Mrs. Rose, can we please go out into the hallway" Travis asked
  " Yes you may" she said. Travis gave me a stank look. I rolled my eyes and walked out into the hall, Travis following behind me. I leaned against the wall. Travis closed the door.
   " So tell me" Travis said, with attitude " what game was I trying to pull on you" I laughed.
   " Are you dumb" I snapped it's so obvious"
   " So tell me it then" he said.
   " We fuck around for a while until I fall for you and have no choice, but to have you around" I answered. " trust me nigga, I'm no where close to naive". He got closer to my face, thinking he is intimidating me.
   " Don't call me no nigga" he grumbled.
   "And don't treat me like I'm one of those hoes you fucked around with" I snapped. I pushed him and went back into class. I sat back down and Travis sat next to me.
  " Lets just get this over with" I said " what do you want to write about"
  " How about a girl who thinks she's better than everyone else" he snapped.
   " Or a boy who can't keep his thing in his pants" I snapped back. After arguing for most of class, we finally decided on a prompt. A Bonnie and Clyde themed story. A ride or die couple that started off  as enemies. But realized they need each other. Mhm, like that will ever happens in real life.

Damn, Adrianna and Travis have beef! Will it ever be resolved.

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