I'm Here

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   " So how was it with Jordan" I asked Diamond
   " Girl, that nigga had me all types of ways" he exclaimed " everyone you could think of"
   I rolled my eyes and chuckled. I looked over and saw Diamond's face grow serious.
   " Adrianna can I ask a favor" he asked " I was going to ask earlier, but then you and Travis got together"
    " Just ask" I answered. He sat closer to me.
   " I need you to sleep with me" he said. I scooted farther from him.
    " Excuse me" I replied
    " Listen" he said, holding onto my thigh " I have been so confused lately. I only been with a girl once, forever ago. I want to see how it feels, to see if I'm really gay or not"
   " Diamond you know damn well I can't do that" I snapped " you know how Travis is going to feel"
   " Travis doesn't need to know" he replied. I scoffed
    " Who the hell are you" I exclaimed. I was about to get up and leave when he grabbed my wrist. I looked and saw hurt in his eyes. I sighed and sat back down.
    " What's up with you" I asked " this isn't you"
   " My aunt" he mumbled " told me she's done with this kiddy phase of being gay, I need to grow up, straighten out, find a nice girl". He covered his face.
" She is going to kick me out if I don't" he muffled in his hand. I knew he was about to cry. I pulled him closer to me and laid his head on my shoulder.
   " My aunt and Carmen are the only family I have" he cried
   " Boy, why you lyin'" I exclaimed " you always have me"
  I let him cry for a minute. I ran my fingers through his hair.
  " I knew this day would come" he croaked " when my aunt would stop loving me"
  " She still loves you" I replied " she just doesn't understand you"
  " I have until tomorrow" he mumbled
   " Then just come live with me " I said " My parents loves you  anyways ". He chuckled. I wiped his tears. He put his head back on my shoulder.
   " I'm sorry" he said
   " It's okay" I replied
    " You're the one that's missing out tho" he joked. I laughed
   " Sure" I chuckled. He held me tighter. Almost like a scared little kid.
    " What about Carmen" he asked
   " She'll be fine, she's a smart girl" I answered " besides you will be able to see her everyday". He nodded.
   " She was the only person in my family that accepts me"he said
   " I'm so hurt" I played " I'm not part of your family"
   " You, Carmen and Jade are the only family I have" he mumbled
  " What about Travis" I asked
   " That's bae, not family" he answered " You're just his side chick". I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Poor Diamond😞😞. Will his aunt ever accept him? Will Travis find out? How is he going to act? Vote, comment and share!

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