Birthday Wish

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We drove for hours. The cool breeze of fall filled the car. It was silent for most of the car ride. I have been stuck in my thoughts for most of it. I looked over and saw the sun glistening against Adrianna's skin. I smirked and searched through her purse. I found my camera in it. I took it out and lifted it to my eye. I zoomed in on her, click.
   " Did you just take a picture of me" she asked.
   " Yeah" I answered " you are photogenic without even trying". She laughed.
  " Hey it's a gift" she said, swinging her hair. I laughed.
  " So, are you going to tell me where you are taking me" I asked. She shook her head.
   " All I'm going to say is" she started " I know your birthday dinner was ruined, but I think I can make  it up to you". We drove for about 30 more minutes until she pulled up to a resort.
   " What are we doing here" I asked.
   " What do you think" she chuckled. " you wanted to get away, here we are"
   " But a resort, Adri" I exclaimed " this is like over the top"
  " You deserve it" she replied. I was speechless. No one has ever did this for me. I leaned over the seat and passionately kissed her. We got out the car.
   " And don't worry, my brother has plenty of clothes here he left" she added. We made it to the room and it was gorgeous. It had a beautiful ocean view.
   " Wow" I said. " this is pretty sweet"
   " Yeah, one of my favorite places, you hungry" she asked.
   " Yeah" I replied.
   " Good, because there is this amazing restaurant I think you may like" she exclaimed. We put our stuff down and left to the restaurant. It was a seafood grill. It was very colorful and had a live band playing, I dig it. We were seated at a table. We got our menus and searched through it. I slowly pulled out my camera . I snapped another picture of her.
  " Can you stop" she exclaimed, blushing.
   " But you are so cute without all that attitude" I replied. She rolled her eyes and I laughed. We finally ordered and we began talking. Telling each other our background stories, our hobbies. Of course mine is football and photo.
  She told me she was a dancer. Which made sense of how flexible she is 😋💦. But she also told me she played piano. Something I never knew she would do. Our food came and we continued to talk. For once, not giving me any attitude.
   " Travis, can I see your camera" Adrianna asked. I handed over to her. All of a sudden the workers at the restaurant came out with a mini cake, singing " Happy Birthday". They put the cake in front of me. She held the camera to her eye.
   " Make a wish" she said. I tried to think of a wish, but I didn't have one. All I ever wanted was in front of me. I smiled and blew out the candles, click.

Seems like Mr. Player caught feelings. Is he going to tell Adrianna? Does she feel the same? Vote, comment and share!

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