Your Chance

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  Its been a few weeks since Travis and I became "friends". I still give that nigga hella attitude, but we're cool. We were at lunch when Diamond jumped behind me.
    " Are you excited" he asked
    " Excited for what" Travis said
     " Well sexy lips" Diamond answered, sitting down at the table." She gets her letter from Harvard to see if she got in or not"
    " Well you know it's not up for discussion" Jade replied " she is getting in, she worked her ass off to get into that school"
   " My girl going to Harvard and becoming a lawyer and can bail me out of jail" Diamond teased " when do you get the letter"
    "After school" I answered " the time I don't know"
   " Well I hope you get in" Travis said.
   "Thanks" I replied
   " Are you coning to my house" Diamond asked
  "Duh, I always do" I answered
  He put his fist up.
  " What I say about that attitude" Diamond asked.
   "Nothing cause I ain't getting rid of it" I answered
   " Guys, I'm going to end up hurting her" he exclaimed. We began laughing. I saw Deon and Jade whispering to each other across the table. I scooted over next to Travis.
   " What's going on with Deon and Jade" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.
   "They have been very secretive lately" he answered " but I don't want to be all in his business so"
I nodded. He took my hand.
  " Don't worry about them" Travis said " I bet Jade will tell you what's wrong when she's ready" He gave me a smile and I gave one back. I felt his hand slip into mine.
   " Oh I didn't know we had a private buddy buddy system" Diamond exclaimed. " why are y'all being all secretive and shit"
   " Oh we are sorry that you don't have a private buddy" I pouted.
   " If I had a private buddy, I wouldn't be sitting with you guys" Diamond mumbled. We all laughed again. The day went by pretty fast. I just wanted my letter that's all. I drove up to my house and chilled there until my mom got home.
   " Adrianna " she yelled " your letter is here"
  I almost jumped out my skin. I ran over to her. I took the letter.
   " Okay mom I'll be right back" I squealed " I will tell you when I get back"
  I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door. I drove to Diamond's house. I got out the car and ran into his house without even knocking. Diamond was in his room. I jumped onto his lap.
   " I got the letter" I said. He gasped.
   " Did you open it yet" he asked. I shook my head.
   " Then open it, bitch" he yelled. I ripped open the envelope. I took out the letter and began reading it. As I read, my heart sank.
   " I didn't get in" I mumbled
   " No,no" Diamond exclaimed " you had to get in"
   He snatched the letter from me. He began reading it.
   " Baby" he said. He held me close. All my hard work, for nothing. Diamond rubbed my thighs.
   " Maybe this wasn't meant to be" he said.
   " Yeah" I mumbled. " I guess not" I just thought about how hard I worked, all the fun I missed out on. Tithing matters anymore, my attendance, my grades, none of it. I need to get this off my mind.
   " Diamond" I mumbled " I need to go, I'll text you later, alright"
He smirked and nodded. I gave him a hug before getting off his lap. I left and went to my car. I drove, but I didn't go home. I kept driving and pulled up to a brick house. I got out and knocked on the door. Travis answered the door.
   " Oh, hey" he said. I smiled.
" Are you home alone" I asked. Travis nodded. I walked into the house and he closed the door behind me.
  " Remember when you asked if you could be my boy toy" I asked. Travis gave me a confused look and slowly nodded.
   " Well I need him, right now" I said. His eyes sort of widened. He chuckled.
   " Are you serious" he asked. " is this one of your little tricks"
   I unzipped my dress and it dropped to my ankles. I stepped closer to him.
   " Does it this look like a trick"  I said. He checked me out.
   " Travis, please" I whispered. He hesitated before tugging on my waist. He kissed me and pinned me against the wall. He took off his shirt. He started kissing on my neck  which made me moan. He carried me upstairs to his room. He laid me on his bed and spread my legs. He caressed my body as he kissed me.
  " Are you sure about this" he asked. I nodded.
   " I wont hold anything back" he warned.
   " I wouldn't expect you to" I replied.

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