Chapter Forty

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"I don't want to go to Miami,"

"What? Why?" Lauren asked, a frown forming on her face.

"Because my state of mind isn't the best right now and I just feel like it would all get worse," Camila explained, staring down at the ground. "You know, with Sofi and... and my parents," She added, taking a deep breath and willing herself not to cry.

"I think it would be good for you to go. And you don't have to see your parents if you don't want to, you'll be staying at my house," Lauren said, rubbing Camila's arm lovingly.

"But Lauren, the funeral. I would have to see them," Camila frowned, squeezing her eyes tight shut together.

"Listen, Camila," Lauren began, taking hold of the younger girls hands. "This is your chance to say goodbye to Sofia and to maybe even begin to work on your relationship with your parents. This time is most difficult especially as normally it would be happy. It would be great to get away from New York for a bit as well and recuperate," Lauren said, looking expectantly at Camila.

"I'm going to be such a mess," Camila mumbled, quickly swiping her hand across her face.

"But I'll look after you," Lauren added, pulling Camila into her for a kind and caring hug. "I promise," The older girl mumbled. "I love you so much Camila and if I didn't think that this would be helpful, I wouldn't make you come, but I really think you should," Lauren pulled away from Camila and held her hands as she swung them back and forth.

"Okay," Camila smiled weakly, pecking Lauren on the lips, grimacing slightly as her bandaged wrist rubbed against the counter, causing an uncomfortable and sore feeling.

"Did I hurt you?" Lauren asked, her voice concerned as she dipped her head down to meet Camila's eyes.

"No, it wasn't you," Camila mumbled quietly, holding onto her upper arm with her other hand.

"Come with me," Lauren said holding her hand out for Camila to take. They walked into the younger girls room and Lauren grabbed some clothes for Camila to put on. Nothing extravagant, just some skinny jeans and a jumper. "Put this on and I'll be back in a minute," Lauren said, planting a kiss on Camila's cheek and disappearing into her room to change herself. She walked back in after changing and a smile instantly formed on her face as she looked at Camila who had not noticed who presence yet.

"You look beautiful," Lauren smiled, wrapping her arms around Camila's waist and kissing her gently. "Shoes and then we'll go," The green eyed girl said, walking into the hallway with Camila and tugging her own shoes on her feet.

"Where are we going?" Camila asked as straightened up and stood by the door.

"Out," Lauren simply said, grabbing Camila's hand and walking out the door with her. The two Latinas began walking down the road, mostly in silence apart from the odd time when one of the girls would complain about it begin too cold.

Eventually, the two girls approached a small building that Camila didn't seem to recognise. Lauren unlocked the large brown door with a key and held it open for Camila to walk into. Once inside, Lauren still remained quiet and walked down a short hallway into a room with benches and lockers around.

"Lauren, what is this place?" Camila asked, sitting down on one of the benches and staring at the green eyed girl who was rummaging through a closet.

"Put this on," Lauren said, avoiding the question and chucking a white top and trousers at Camila. "Oh, and take your shoes and socks off as well," She added, beginning to change herself. Camila still didn't understand the reason of them being there. She didn't recognise the building at all and the fact that they had to change clothes bewildered her even more so.

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