Chapter 4

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*****The following morning******

Jesse awoke that morning in his own dorm. He said to himself, "I hope Y/N is okay...she didn't look too good yesterday." Jesse yawns, "I guess I could sleep a bit more, class doesn't start for another hour."

An hour later, Jesse met up with his other friends. When Jesse had told them about your condition yesterday, they were a bit surprised. It was Alexis who was a bit puzzled by the news. She asked, "Why wouldn't she say anything?" Chazz crosses his arms, "That newbie is just a big crybaby. I bet she can't even fight her own fights without crying." He puffs his chest out proudly, "Unlike newbie, I can duel with guts." Ojama Yellow cheers, "You tell em' boss!" Chazz punches the spirit in response, "You are really annoying, y'know?" Jaden snorts in response to Chazz's self declaration. "What are you doing there, mates?" It was Jim Cook who approached them.

Jesse waves, "Hey there, Jim

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Jesse waves, "Hey there, Jim. What's up?" Jim replies, "Well if you're interested, someone is dueling in the arena." Jaden questions, "Who would be dueling this early in the morning?" Jim shrugs, "I don't know, let's go find out then."

You had thought that you would just roam around campus today. However, your plans had changed at the last minute. You were abruptly challenged to a duel by Zane Truesdale. You weren't expecting it either. Zane remarks, "If you want to back out, you can do so right now Y/N." You shake your head, "I'm not backing out, Zane." You both said, "Duel!"

Moments later, everyone was at the dueling arena. Syrus was surprised when he saw his older brother. He said, "Hey look, it's Zane." Chazz adds, "Look who's with him." Jesse was also surprised, "It's Y/N."

Zane was confident that he would win the duel easily. You on the other hand, had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You think to yourself, "This is not how I imagined my morning to be like." You mutter to yourself, "This is a new development." You said, "Okay...I'll go first. First, I play a monster in defense mode. I'll end my turn with a face down." Zane replies, "Since you have a monster and I don't, I can special summon Cyber Dragon from my hand." He adds, "I won't risk attacking, so I'll end my turn with two cards face down." You said, "Okay, my turn. I flip summon Lyna the Light Charmer in attack mode. Now, I activate Lyna's special ability. As long as she's on the field, I can take control of one LIGHT attribute monster you control. Cyber Dragon happens to fit the bill." Zane didn't seem phased but he was intrigued by the sudden move. "Y-Y/N...that dragon is growling at me!" "Relax Lyna, I have a plan....I think." "I don't like the sound of that!!" You continue to speak, "Next, I'm going to use Harpie's Feather Duster to destroy your face downs. Now, it's time for a roll call!" Zane was a bit puzzled, "What are you talking about?" You reply, "Actions speak louder than words, Zane. Lyna and Cyber Dragon aren't going to be on the field for long. I tribute them to summon....the Dark Magician!" Alexis, Jesse and everyone else exclaim, "YOU WHAT?!" You add, "Alright Dark Magician, time to take the stage!" Dark Magician crosses his arms and remarks, "I hope you have a plan, Y/N. Even though he is open to an attack, you must stay on guard." You reply back, "You worry too much. Of course I have a plan." Jesse was amazed, "Wow, that's one powerful monster." You went on, "I'm not going to stop there because now I'm going to summon Wynn the Wind Charmer to the field. From my hand, I activate the spell Polymerization. I fuse Dark Magician and Wynn together! Now I summon, Chikaze the Wind Sage!"

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