Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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Previously on Jesse Anderson x Reader....

You look around once more, "Jesse! Where are you?" "You there!"  You see the Crystal Beast spirits heave at you. Ruby Carbuncle jumped into your arms, her body shaking vigorously. Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle said, "It's Jesse. We think that he might be in danger. He started walking toward the source of the blast and had a blank look in his eyes." You reply, "Take me to where he went."

Seconds later, you caught sight of Jesse. You call out, "Jesse! Jesse, wait!" Jesse turns towards you, his eyes wear a menacing expression.

When he spoke, you realize that something was wrong. "Who is this Jesse you speak of? This human is my vessel. A vessel needed to bring my mistress to her revival." You were blown back by an abrupt breeze which knocked you back. All your spirits yell, "Y/N!" The inhuman Jesse said, "Say goodbye human!"

You stood in your current spot, frozen. You look at the ghost-like figure that called himself Jesse Anderson. You growl, "What in the name of Ra are you doing to my friend?!" The vessel cackles, "So you're the one with those wretched powers." You reply, "I don't know what you're talking about." "Looks like Jesse needs a good smack." Wynn said, "I actually agree with Hiita for once." Jesse's host cackles once more, "You think that you can come near me? I'd like to see you try!" You said, "Jesse, snap out of it! This isn't like you at all." The host remarks, "Well let's see who the stronger one is! Duel me and we'll see if fate is on your side. Lose the duel and both of you go into the shadows." You refute, "Absolutely not! It's a lose-lose situation."

Jesse let out a sharp breath, "Dang...and I thought Jaden was the crazy one." He asked, "Hold on.....why do I look like a ghost?!" Jesse saw your figure come into view and yells, "Y/N! Don't fall for it!" Jesse hits the ground, "Damn it! She can't hear me!" What Jesse didn't know was that he was in for a surprise.

"Y/N, did you hear that?" Wynn seemed a bit jittery when she asked that question. You question, "Wynn?" "Y/N! Don't fall for it!" Your eyes widen, "What in the name of Ra was what?!?" Dharc points, "Hey Y/N, looks like that creep of a host is losing his control over Jesse." The vessel growls, "Stay out of this, you mortal! This body is mine!" The vessel began to choke, "N-No! S-t-t-op t-this!" Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger said, "You should probably take cover. This isn't going to be a pretty sight." You hide in the bushes and hear a loud whimper a few seconds later. You peek out to see an unconscious Jesse Anderson lying in front of your eyes. You run to him and shake his body, "Jesse...Jesse...Jesse wake up!" You let out a sigh of relief when you see that his eyes were slowly opening. Jesse rubs his head and inquires, "Y/N? What are ya doin' here?" You shake your head, "That's not important right now, Jesse. What's important is that you're okay." "You had us worried, Jesse!" "Ruubi. Bibi." The Crystal Beast spirits were more relieved than you were. You get up and hear Jesse ask, "Where are you goin'?" You reply, "I'm going to go find the others." You had run off and Jesse said, "She is one strange person..."

You were stuck on what that strange creature had said to you. "A vessel needed to bring my mistress to her revival."  You look at your duel disk and murmur, "Why did that creature want to duel? It seemed like it had some kind of score to settle." You let out a sound of frustration, "This doesn't make any sense at all!" Wynn, Lyna and Hiita all look at one another. Hiita spoke up, "Y/N, I'm sure that there is some kind of explanation to all of this. That weird creature couldn't have just vanished without a trace. We all know that you could sense something weird about that thing." Dharc added to Hiita's thoughts, "What Hiita means is that there has to be a reason why those wretched creatures are all over the academy. There also has to be a reason why they are targeting your friends as well." You reply back, "It's not just that, you guys. There's also the mystery of where those weird things appeared and why they came." You look out the window and silently add, "I'm just hoping that this is all a bad dream."

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