Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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His mind was filled with images of his past matches. The suffering that he endured during his time with The Society of Light, the pressure from his all fuels the anger bubbling within him. Chazz had become a puppet once more, a puppet under the control of Seraphina Castoria.

You knew that Chazz found you distasteful. You knew that he was using his anger to win over his peers. You hear Chazz remark, "Are you going to stand there or are you going to duel?" I don't have a choice. You reply, "It doesn't have to be like this, Chazz! I want to help you...I want to be your friend." Chazz scoffs, "Friends? I don't want to be friends with a freak like you! The Chazz is fine on his own." You exhale, "Fine. If I can't get through to you through the words I speak, then I guess I have to do it through the cards in my deck!"

Meanwhile, the rest of the gang were talking about the attacks on the academy. As they were discussing the subject, they were interrupted by Professor Banner. He had a look of worry in his eyes, "Children, there is something going on outside. I'm afraid that it is not something good." He adds, "Follow me."

You and Chazz said, "Duel!" A voice spoke to you from aside, "Are you sure you're ready for this?" You look at Chazz, then at your deck. You reply back, "I don't have a choice, Wynn. If I don't win, then something terrible will happen to Chazz or the academy itself." You said, "I'm going first, Chazz!" You look at your cards and think, "I have to be smart about this. I don't know what he might have in his deck, but I do know that I can win this if I believe in my deck." You continue, "I summon Maiden of the Moonlight in attack mode. I end my turn with three face downs." Before Chazz could speak, you hear Jesse's voice yell from far away. Ruby Carbuncle runs towards Jesse's voice. When Jesse came into view, his eyes were filled with a mix of both confusion and panic. Jesse asked, "What's goin' on here?" Chazz remarks, "I'm proving to this freak that I'm the better duelist." That reply had hit Jesse like a slap to the face. Jesse growls, "You better take that back, Chazz." Hiita said, "Jesse looks like he's about to give Chazz the beat down of his life." You give Hiita a look and she goes silent. However, before Jesse could strike, both Hassleberry and Atticus hold him back. Hassleberry said, "Stand down, sergeant. This ain't like yourself." Atticus nods in agreement, "Yeah man, cool it. The last thing we need right now is a fight." Chazz said, "If you two are done, I'd like to continue this duel." Jesse didn't answer to Chazz's ignorant voice. Alexis points out, "Don't you guys think that Chazz is acting a little more ignorant than usual?" Zane answers back, "Alexis is right. Chazz isn't acting like his usual self. He seems more aggressive than before."

His thoughts were only of Castoria. The words that echo through Chazz's mind were only of destruction. Chazz's true emotions were captured by the darkness inside his mind.

As Chazz drew his card, you watch with a sense of uncertainty. Chazz remarks, "I'll summon not one, but two Chthonian Soldiers in attack mode. Next, I'll equip them with United We Stand. This makes them more powerful than your Maiden of the Moonlight." Chazz adds, "Now attack Maiden of the Moonlight with Wind Storm Slash!" Jesse yells, "Y/N!" You: 4000>>2400. Alexis said, "The duel's only started and Y/N has already lost almost half of her life points." Zane crosses his arms and responds to Alexis, "Well I hope she has a plan, or else the duel isn't the only thing Y/N will lose."

What am I going to do? I've only made one move and I'm already down to 2400 life points. Not only that, he still has another monster on the field. Even if I get rid of his first Cthonian soldier, there'll be another one there to make things even harder. You then remember that you have three cards face down. You remark to Chazz, "I'm only getting warmed up." Chazz scoffs, "Oh really?" You reply back, "I wouldn't be smirking if I were you, Chazz. I activate a trap card!" Chazz was in shock, "Not Compulsory Evacuation Device!" Chazz growls, "I place a card face down and end my turn." You let out a sigh of relief. At least one of them is gone.

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