Chapter 3

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Jesse woke up the next morning in confusion. He heard a massive crash and fell out of his bed. He groans, "That was sure loud." The door burst open, revealing Syrus. Syrus said, "Jesse! Something terrible has just happened!" Jesse said, "Lead the way, Sy."

You woke up with a start. You look around and sigh, "It was just a nightmare." Your door abruptly opened and Alexis said, "Y/N, something bad is happening! Let's go!"

Moments later, you were standing outside of the dorms. You saw a mist-like creature float above the Obelisk dorms. Your eyes widen, "W-What is that thing?!" Alexis said, "This is worse than I thought." The creature spoke in a demonic voice, "You humans will fall into our control!" The creature vanishes but not before taking Syrus with them. Syrus said, "Let me go!" You yell, "Syrus!" You run after the creature and Alexis yells, "Y/N!" You were looking for the creature and you suddenly see more of them. You growl, "What did you do to my friend?" The creature laughs, "That puny human? You can have him back, he's too weak." You were sent flying back, and you suddenly lose consciousness.

Jesse looks around for the source of the crash. He saw you lying on the ground and his eyes widen. Jaden was with him since they had both gone to investigate after Syrus told him what happened. Jesse said, "Y/N!" Jaden asked, "Jess, what—" When they both saw you, they were worried. Jesse shook your body, "C'mon Y/N, wake up!" Wynn spoke worriedly, "Y/N, Y/N please!" Jaden said, "Jesse, we should bring her to the infirmary." Jesse nods and replies, "You're right. Let's go."

"Look! She's waking up!" You slowly get up and rub your head. You look around and panic, "Where am I?" You hear a familiar voice, "You're in the infirmary." You said, "Jesse...what happened?" Jesse replies, "That's what I'd like to know." You reply, "All I remember is seeing a strange creature kidnap Syrus. I blacked out after that." Jesse adds, "I'm glad you're still in one piece." You ask worriedly, "Is Syrus okay?" It was Jaden who answered this time. Jaden responds, "Syrus is fine, Y/N. Although, I wouldn't say the same for you." You look at yourself and see that you were covered in several bandages. Jesse spoke worriedly, "Don't push yourself. Just stay here and recover your strength. Don't go faintin' on us." Jesse leaves the infirmary and you let out a sigh. You said, "I don't know what to do,Wynn. I want to help but I'm in no condition to do so." Wynn replies, "Jesse's right, you should rest. I understand that you want to help....but we both know that it's not possible right now." Petit nuzzles your cheek in comfort, making you smile slightly. You said, "Thanks Petit." "Peti. Ti, ti."

You stare at the ceiling and whisper, "Those creatures...they weren't anything I've seen before. So...what were they?" You shake your head, "I'm overthinking this. I'm sure that there's a perfectly logical explanation to all of this." You suddenly see another one of the mist-like creatures in front of you. You let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Jesse stops, "Jaden, did you hear that?" Jaden rubs his ears in discomfort, "Loud and clear, Jesse." Jaden then realized, "It came from the infirmary..." They both look at each other and say, "Y/N!"

You said, "Wynn, remember when I said that there's a logical explanation for all of this? I take that back." Wynn replies, "Forget about that now! That filthy creature is close enough to hurt you again." You stutter, "G-Get away from me!!" The creature cackles, "You can't escape, human! Perish!" You close your eyes and feel nothing. You look up, "Dark Magician!" Dark Magician asked, "Are you hurt?" You shake your head in response. "Y/N!" You see a panting Jesse and a huffing Jaden enter the room. Jesse saw the creature and yells, "Stay away from my friend, ya filthy vermin!" The creature looked very disinterested in the situation and remarks, "What a bore.....humans are truly boring." The dark spirit vanishes before your eyes. You felt a sense of unease as your eyes linger at the empty spot. You were scared out of your wits when you had first seen it. "Ti?" Jesse asked, "Are ya okay? Did that thing try to hurt ya?" Jesse notices that you were shaking and he said, "Don't worry, it's gone now."

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