Chapter 16 (Part 1)

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A/N: short chapter for now until I get back into the groove of everything. Update: My brother had spicy food for the first time (only a little bit) and he seems to be doing better. This lifts a bit of the weight in my heart but it will take me some time to fully recover (mentally) from this ordeal.

The moment you heard Bastion utter those words, you had a difficult time accepting it. Jesse said, "Y/N, this isn't the time to be worried! Let's go!" Jesse went ahead of you, causing the walls of your heart to constrict with worry.

Your worries became more evident when you saw several cloud-like emanations surrounding each of the dorms. The more you thought of the impending disaster, the more realistic it felt in your mind. Your feet refused to move you further than where you were currently standing. "Why are you just standing there? Move it!"  Wynn pesters you to move but your body continues to be stubborn. Wynn didn't realize how horrified you were and continued to repeat what she said before. No matter what you did, you couldn't move.

Jesse looks behind him and realized that you didn't follow him. He thought to himself, "It's too late to turn back and get her. I have to manage without Y/N by my side."

Jesse became more frantic about the various emanations surrounding the dorms. Jaden saw him and before he could say anything, there was booming sound coming from the Obelisk girls' dorms. They both said in unison, "Y/N!"

The sudden explosion threw you several feet away from the dorm. Breaker asked, "Hey! Are you okay?"  You rub your back in discomfort, "I think so..." You were shaking from the impact of the sudden eruption. Dark Magician Girl looks at you before saying, "I know you're scared Y/N but you have to get away from here. I know that things haven't been easy but you have to think of Jesse."  You think, "Jesse...he always tells me the same thing."  You reply, "You're right, Dark Magician Girl but I have to stay here and fight the enemy." She was hesitant at first however, she trusted you. She just nodded in your direction.

"Help me...time is running out."  It was the voice that kept calling out to you in your dreams. You shake your head, "I've got to get to the others!" To you, that voice sounded familiar to you. However, you couldn't remember when you had heard it. You shake your head once more. You hoped that you weren't too late.

Alexis coughed repeatedly, "Is this dust or is this some kind of poison?" She was desperately searching for anyone else caught in the sudden storm of misfortunes. Alexis wheezes, "" Something glows in the light, causing Alexis to blink repeatedly. "Do not give in, young one. This is merely an illusion made to blind the eyes of those who dare defy the shadow demons." Alexis was puzzled at the voice that spoke out to her. It was as if the voice of this unknown spirit was guiding her to safety. Alexis did not object this offering but she still laid on the ground, more confused than she already was. The blonde Obelisk forces herself to get up and face whatever was in the girls' dormitories.

At the Obelisk boys' dorms the storm-like apparition was stronger than it was before. Zane was the first one to spot the unnatural winds that blew in the direction he was in. He knew that something else was causing this sudden disturbance. His expression was blank but he felt unsure of his emotions. He had no idea what he should do.

Jesse was desperate. He was desperate for answers. Answers to the questions that were dormant in his clouded vault of thoughts. Those thoughts were the ones related to the shadow demons. Shadow demons. He never expected them to become dominant within academy. He only expected them to come and go like a passing storm.

A lone spirit roams around the academy. The young female searched desperately for her reincarnation. Not only was she desperate, she did not want her ancestor to suffer the same fate her beloved Jahan did. The more she searched, that sliver of hope she had began to fade in mere seconds.

It was as if her breath was stolen from her lips. The more the spirit searched, the more she was reminded of the images of her own tragic past.

"Hold on..." Jesse knew something was off. He wasn't sure what it was but it made him stop for a moment. The thought of you being hurt was hurting him more than it did before. Your safety was his top concern. "Young knight! Please listen to me!" Jesse's head snapped in the direction of another spirit's voice. He did not recognize the voice and Jesse continued to ignore the constant warnings. The male spirit said, "I know who you're trying to protect." Jesse looked at the spirit who was an exact copy of him. Jesse froze and spoke in a bitter tone, "What do you know?" The male spirit sighs, "You're just as stubborn....sheesh just hear me out, will ya?" It was Jesse's turn to sigh now. Jesse rubs his temples in defeat, "Fine..." The male spirit bows, "I thank you for your kindness, young knight." The spirit adds, "I'm known as Prince Jahan. I was a prince of a kingdom called Rielle. Rielle was a prospering kingdom..." Jahan went silent for a moment before he continued, "It was a beautiful kingdom until a grave war broke out and caused it fall into the hands of the devilled shadows. Before this war broke, I was a prince who cared little of what people wanted. These people I mention were high ranking dignitaries. They'd do anything just to see my kingdom suffer." Jesse asked, "What does this have to do with me?" Jahan gives Jesse a look, "I was getting there! Anyways, I was always expected to be "princely" all the time. I pretended to care about them, I was always a puppet. However, one day I met a girl..." Before Jahan could continue, there was a large explosion.

You were thrown back by the explosion. The impact was sudden but it threw you towards a tree. You let out a groan. An unknown voice spoke up, "Um...a-are y-you okay?" You look up to see a young girl....who was a mirror image of yourself. However, she wore a worried expression in her mismatched eyes. Wynn's eyes widen, "I feel like I'm seeing double....woah. Y/N, I don't think I've seen her before." Dark Magician Girl gasped, "I know who she is!" The young spirit giggles, "Of course you do! We've been friends for many millennia." The unknown spirit curtsies, "Hello my name is E/N. I was the princess of Rielle until it was destroyed by the shadow demons." Your eyes widen, "H-Hold on! Does that mean.....?" She nods, "That's right, you are my descendant. There isn't much time until their army grows dramatically." You reply, "Are they still lingering around the academy?" The Egyptian princess shrugs, "I'm not sure to be honest. Even when the war was going on, Jahan refused to let me fight. He wanted to keep me safe but I knew that there was chaos inside the castle too. Jahan was ignorant of that fact." "Y/N!" E/N vanishes before you could ask her anything else. It was Syrus who called out to you. He worriedly asked, "Have you seen Jesse, Y/N?" You reply with a quizzical look, "I thought that he was with you, Sy. He said that he would try and find someone to help him." Syrus adds, "I haven't seen him yet and I'm afraid that Professor Castoria has done something to him." "Don't worry Y/N, he's not going to go down without a fight." Hiita had a point. Syrus gulps, "Uh Y/N....don't look now but...I think that Jesse is in trouble!!" The sound of another explosion rung through your ears, silencing your calm demeanour.

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