Chapter 17

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A/N: Short but sweet. Only a few more chapters until this book ends. To be honest, I'm already writing the rough draft for the new story I have planned.

You awoke the next morning in a daze. Slowly, details of the previous day began to return to you. You were looking at the skies, no more were they the lustful crimson they were when Professor Castoria was once there. Wynn let out a sigh of relief, "I'm glad that everything worked out." You finally speak, "Yeah, me too. I'm just happy that we don't have to deal with any more shadow demons. I'm relieved in all honesty." Blizzard Princess appears before you, "I'm glad that I could help you get rid of that woman." Hiita asked, "Hey Bliz, where were you this entire time?" Blizzard Princess looked quite annoyed, "For the millionth time, don't call me that!" You begin to giggle at the banter, causing them to stop. You look at the time, "Oh no! I'm going to be late!"

You run towards the academy with a sprint. You suddenly bump into someone and fall on the ground. "Oh hey Y/N." You meet the eyes of your boyfriend, Jesse. Jesse helps you up and asked, "What's with all the running? Classes got cancelled today." Hiita looked annoyed, "Cancelled? Ugh, I could've slept longer!" You roll your eyes, "You sound like Jaden." Jesse questions you with a quizzical look, "How are you feeling?" He wraps his arms around you and your cheeks darken slightly. "Sheesh! Get a room, you two..." You try to escape from Jesse put his arms did not move. Alexis sighs, " two are way too attached to each other." She adds, "By the way Y/N, shouldn't you be tired? Didn't that duel drain you of your energy?" You shake your head, "I'm alright, Alexis. Thanks for your concern though." Alexis replies, "Why wouldn't I be concerned? You are my best friend after all. You really do know how to worry someone." Jesse chuckles, "You have no idea, Lex." You elbow Jesse, causing him to yelp. Jesse asked, "What was that for?!" You take this chance to slip out of his arms and hide behind Alexis. Alexis sighs once more, "Honestly you two..." Kamui looked excited, "Ooooh!! Y/N is being chased by Jesse! Looks like fun!" Wynn grabs her cousin by the back of his collar, "Don't even think about it, Kamui. Stop acting like crazed animal. It's no wonder my sister goes crazy when she babysat you." You had decided to go back to the Obelisk dorms. However, you had also decided to make a small detour along the way.

A little while later, you sat alone as you admired the sea crashing into large waves along the cliff. "You look like you're in a daze." You shake your head, "No it's not that, Lyna. I'm just thinking about what I'll do after I graduate from here." Lyna gazes at you and gives you a reassuring smile, "Well whatever you choose, we'll all support you until the end." "Ruubi!" Lyna nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the tiny feline's cry. Jesse saw Ruby and said, "C'mon girl. Don't scare Y/N like that." Jesse asked, "Mind if I join ya?" You reply, "Go ahead." Jesse wraps his arms around you and you lean into his chest. You savoured these moments with Jesse. Jesse starts to speak, "I love it when I can just relax like this. I feel so at peace when I'm with you, Y/N." You snuggle into his chest and answer back, "I do too. I love you, Jesse." Jesse kissed the top of your head, "I love you too, little gem."

After that, you had apparently fallen asleep in Jesse's arms. He had no objections when he had to carry you back to your dormitory. He laid you down on your bed and places the blanket on top of you. Jesse noticed that you were still holding on to his hand. Jesse smiles softly at the sight. He whispers, "You must be tired from everything that's happened to us so far." He continues, "You're so strong and determined. I admire that about you, Y/N. I want to spend every second with you. I know that's not possible but I always treasure the little things that we do together. I don't know what will come before us but I know that I can face it with you by my side." He kisses your forehead and leaves your dorm room.

*****The following morning*****

Jesse woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. His eyes widen, "I'm gonna be late!" He sprints out the door, nearly face planting the door on the way out. Jesse saw you walking with Alexis. Alexis notices and waves to Jesse. Jesse waves back to Alexis before settling his azure eyes on to you. You were only wearing your school uniform yet Jesse found himself captivated by the sight of you smiling.

Jesse lets out a yawn and stretches his arms. He remarks, "That was borin' as always. Crowler sure does make the class drag on." Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle replies, "I never did like that guy. He is not only creepy....he really hates the Slifers." Jesse rolls his eyes, "That's because Crowler thinks that the Obelisks are superior to the Slifers. I don't get that and I never will." Syrus heard Jesse's voice and found him alone. Jesse's spirits vanish when they hear Syrus approaching Jesse. Jesse greets him with a smile, "Hey Sy, what's up?" Syrus replies, "Not much to be honest. Have you seen Jaden around? He's supposed to be helping me practice for a duel I'm having in a little while." Right when he asked that they both hear a "JADEN YUKI!!!" and see the Slifer in question bolt past them. Jesse and Syrus look at each other before shaking their heads.

Jaden ran past Jesse and Syrus when Dr. Crowler attempted to chase him. Jaden pulled a prank on Dr. Crowler and now the Obelisk teacher was trying to chase after him. Jaden laughs and continues to run, not knowing that you were walking in that direction.

You let out a groan, "Dr. Crowler is not only boring...he's really creepy." Hiita nods repeatedly, "I'll say....he's creepier than your grandma when she attempts to dress as a ghoul." You shudder, "Please don't remind me of that. That scarred me for such a long time..." You see Jaden run past you and you shake your head in amusement. You said to Hiita, "It seems like Jaden pulled another prank on Dr. Crowler again." Hiita replies, "I don't blame the guy. Crowler is annoying and he could care less if a student from another dorm got into trouble. Jaden is one person Crowler will always despise no matter how hard he tries to respect Jaden." You nod and begin to look for Jesse.

Moments later, you see Jesse with Syrus. You call out to them both and see them turn around. Syrus waves excitedly, "Hi Y/N!" You giggle, "Hey Sy, was Jesse boring you to death?" Jesse puffs out his chest, "Me? No way! I was makin' Sy laugh like crazy." You reply, "That's hard to believe when Sy looks like he's about to collapse from exhaustion." Syrus explains to you about the whole "Jaden" situation. You shake your head, "Jaden is going to drive us all crazy one of these days." Syrus nods in agreement, "I know right?! I'm already going crazy just thinking about what Jaden did." Syrus goes on to tell you about what happened with Jaden and Dr. Crowler.

Jesse was trying to not spoil it. He wanted to surprise you since it had been exactly two months since you started dating. Jesse covers your eyes, "Not yet..don't open them yet, Y/N." You laugh and reply, "Am I going to stay like this forever?" Jesse replies, "Just a few more seconds." Jesse uncovers your eyes and you are met with a gorgeous sunset. Jesse took his hands and clasped them around your own. He said, "Y/N Y/LN, I promise with all my heart to stay by your side and make you happy. I promise that I will always love you no matter what happens. You make me so happy and I'm happy that I can call you mine." You were touched by Jesse's sweet words, "Oh're going to make me cry." He touches your cheek gently, "I guess that I'm going to have to make my princess smile then." He captures your lips in a sweet kiss. A kiss that spoke with sweetness and love. It was the love that resonated in Jesse's beating heart.

It was one that you savoured

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It was one that you savoured. You were deeply in love with Jesse Anderson. You never wanted that love to fade. Your bond with him would only strengthen after the events that nearly tore you both apart. This kiss signaled the beginning of the future.

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