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***Two months later***

The moment your parents found out about the engagement, let's just say your mother was in full on interrogation mode. She had called you after you had come back home and repeatedly asked you questions about your relationship with your now fiance, Jesse. You and Jesse had both gone to your respective homes. You sat in the kitchen with your mother. She looked incredibly apologetic, "I'm sorry about not coming to your graduation, sweetie. Your dad and I were so excited to come but our clients wouldn't let us cancel the appointment." You reply with a shake of your head, "It's alright, mom. It's not your or dad's fault." You look out and add, "Jesse wanted to meet you both. He wouldn't stop asking me about you both." Your mom kisses your forehead, "I'm sure you're tired, honey. Go on up to your room and rest."  You nod and leave the kitchen.

Jesse gazes out at the view in front of him. He had to leave the house or else he would have gone crazy. This was the first time that you and him were actually away from one another. It was driving him crazy and he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. Jesse walked into the backyard and looks at the swaying trees in front of him. He began to imagine you sitting underneath the tree while reading your favourite book. "Jesse!" Jesse snapped out of his trance when he heard his father calling out to him. When Jesse came inside, his eyes widen.

***Hours earlier***

You had made the decision to go visit Jesse. Your parents weren't surprised about your decision. They knew how much you missed Jesse. However, your dad wanted to meet him. Your mother clapped her hands in response, "Why don't we all go see Jesse and his family together? We would kill two birds with one stone." Wynn remarks, "She sounds way too excited.." Hiita groans, "I forgot how excited she gets when it come to her own daughter..." You hesitate but nod, "Alright...just don't embarrass me." Your mother winks, "No promises, hun."

A few hours later, you come up to a vintage looking house. Lyna was enchanted by the appearance of the structure, "Wow! It's so....so....beautiful!" When your dad rang the doorbell, you were greeted by a middle-aged woman. She spoke with a deep southern accent, "Well my my...Jesse didn't tell me that yer a stunner!" Your cheeks darken in response. She smiles, "I'm Belle and this here is my husband, Robbie." Mrs. Anderson whispers, "Jesse isn't home right now. He went out for a moment. Please come inside."  You all go inside and follow Mrs. Anderson as she disappeared into the house.

****Back to the present****

Jesse's eyes widen, "Y/N!" He spun you around and kisses you sweetly. Your father clears his throat, "So you're the one that proposed to my Y/N." Jesse became serious, "I love Y/N and I'd do anything just to make her happy. I promise that I will take care of her and make her the happiest girl in the world." Your heart flutters, "Jesse..." Your father chuckles, "I'm glad that you will, son." Both of your mothers push you out of the room. Your mom remarks, "Go spend some time together, you lovebirds." Mrs. Anderson nods, "Yer mama's right." Jesse takes your hand and leads you outside.

Jesse had his hands over your eyes. You ask, "Jesse, where are we going?" Jesse answers, "Just a few more steps, gem. We're almost there, I promise." Jesse removes his hands from your eyes and holds your hand. Jesse rubs the back of his neck, "To be honest, I was thinking about you the entire time I've been home." Jesse places a hand on your cheek and brushes your nose against yours. Jesse gently kisses your lips. He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You sat in his arms and thought about your wedding. Jesse spoke up, "You're thinking about the wedding, aren't you?" You reply, "It must've been obvious..." Jesse chuckles, "You're my fiancee and we've been together for more than two years. I want you to lean on me, Y/N. I know how anxious you can get when it comes to making decisions." He played with your engagement ring and adds, "We're in this together, no matter what. I'm not going to leave you for anyone or anything." You lean into Jesse's chest and feel him kiss your forehead gently.

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