Chapter 20

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A/N: Oh my god! This is the last chapter!! Thank you for coming on this journey with me. It was a long one but I'm blessed that I could share it with all of you ❤️. I will post the first chapter of my new book when NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) begins in November. First chapter will be posted around or before November 1st.

It has been exactly two days. It had been two days since you and Jesse declared your eternal love to each other. In a matter of weeks, you were both ending your journey at Duel Academy. Though it was bittersweet, you both knew that it would be for the best. The only obstacle that stood in your way now was your future with Jesse.

The academy had been at peace....or so you thought. The moment you walked in with Jesse, there were papers scattered all over the classroom. You suddenly notice a small figure darting past Professor Banner. You squeal and fall over when the figure reaches you. You blink and suddenly notice a cat sitting in your lap. The feline purrs in satisfaction. Professor Banner sighs, "Pharaoh! You silly cat..." Jesse laughs, "Looks like Pharaoh likes Y/N a lot." You giggle slightly and pet Pharaoh's head. Jesse helps you up and asked, "Are you alright?" You nodded, cheeks tinted crimson. Professor Banner gave you a small sigh, "I'm sorry about that, Y/N. Pharaoh was supposed to stay put but he ended up doing the complete opposite. He ended up chasing after a paper that fell on the ground." You begin to laugh and you reply, "I'm sorry...I shouldn't be laughing but this is just too funny!" Jesse chuckles, "Pharaoh definitely wants to cause trouble, that's a fact for sure." You giggle and Pharaoh lets out a mew in agreement to what Jesse said. Although, you weren't sure what you were going to do now.

The door to your dormitory flew open without notice. You notice Alexis standing at the entrance with Mindy and Jasmine. Alexis looked excited from what you could gather from the look she wore on her face. Alexis remarks, "Let's go shopping, Y/N! Graduation is so close and we need to look our best!" Hiita rubs her temples, "She sounds way too excited for my liking..."  Lyna giggles, "I think it's cute. I mean Y/N is going to graduate with Alexis, right? It's only natural to be excited for an important day like that."   You think, "Why am I not excited? Why do I feel so sad?"  Alexis's voice brought you back to reality, "Y/N?" You shake your head, "It's nothing, Lex." You muster up a smile, "Come on, let's go!" 

Moments later, Alexis and her friends went their own separate ways. Wynn could tell that you were being way too quiet. Lyna asked, "What's wrong, Y/N? Aren't you excited?"  You reply with some hesitation, "It's not that, I'm just sad that it's coming up so soon. I am excited but I don't want to part ways with the people I care about." Wynn replies with confidence, "Who said that this would be the final time that you'd see your friends? Time will bring you back together one day. It's not the end of the world if you part ways. You will always find a way to your friends. They care deeply about you and they will never abandon you no matter what happens."  You felt much better after Wynn said that, "Thank you, Wynn. I feel a lot better now." Wynn gave you a mock salute, "No worries, Y/N!"  She adds with excitement, "Now let's go find a dress that will knock Jesse's socks off!"  You said, "Yes, we should. I'm hoping that he'll like the dress I wear to the dance and to graduation." Hiita asked, "Don't you still have that dress your parents sent you a few months ago?"  You nodded, "I do have it. I'm going to wear it to the dance. I hope that Jesse will like it." Winda appears beside Wynn, "Jesse is not going to think differently of you. No matter what you wear or whatever actions you decided to take, Jesse will stay by your side. He made that promise and he intends to keep it."  You nod in agreement, "You're right, Winda. I should be more confident in myself." 

Alexis, Mindy and Jasmine were giddy about finding the "perfect" dress. Alexis notices you looking through various dresses. She smiled at the sight. Alexis knew that you were incredibly timid but she also knew how happy you were. She was also happy that you had found someone to spend the rest of your life with. Alexis also knew that Jesse would keep his promise of making you happy. It was a vow that he would repeat time and time again. She gazes at various dresses before noticing a pale mint coloured dress. 

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