1,020 followers and Challenge!!

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Hi! It's me....I've come back from the abyss of hell called school. I can't believe that I now have over 1,000 followers 😱. That's so weird and amazing at the same time.

Anyways....I have a challenge for the super artsy people and everyone else in general. If you may or may not know....I may have a story in the works 😉. I would like you all to design the appearance of the main character (like all my other stories she will be called Y/N).

Description of MC (main character) personality:
Calm and collected

Now....I only have a few requirements (like minor things....it may seem like a lot....sowwy):

She is a shrine maiden (like Rei in Sailor Moon)
She has reddish-pink eyes
Her hair colour can vary but I would like it if she had either black hair with bluish highlights or bluish hair with lighter blue highlights
She wears a headband similar to this:

She is a shrine maiden (like Rei in Sailor Moon) She has reddish-pink eyes Her hair colour can vary but I would like it if she had either black hair with bluish highlights or bluish hair with lighter blue highlights She wears a headband similar to...

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Her hair is usually down but is sometimes styled in a milkmaid braid:

Her hair is usually down but is sometimes styled in a milkmaid braid:

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You guys can choose what her clothing looks like. I will only drop one hint about the story: its a Yu-Gi-Oh GX story. Of course, I will give the artist credit for their art. Message me if you are interested.



Jesse Anderson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now