Chapter 8

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"Hello?!" Syrus hit his hands against the wall of the cave-like abyss you were stuck in. You were trying to keep calm but you were having a difficult time due to Syrus' cries. "Geez...will he ever shut up?" You hear a response, "Hey! If anyone can hear me, please say somethin'!!" Syrus yells back, "We're over here!" Syrus suddenly adds, "Y/N! Above you!" Your reaction time was too slow but you felt yourself being shielded by someone as you were pushed aside. You look up and Syrus was just as surprised as you were. He exclaims, "Zane?! Jesse?!" Zane asked, "How did you guys get here?" Syrus responds, "Before we answer, shouldn't you get off of Y/N first?" Zane replies, "Oh! Right..." You instantly wrapped in Jesse's arms. Jesse hid his face in your shoulder, "Y/N, thank goodness. I'm so happy that those vermins didn't hurt ya." Jesse adds, "Listen, we've all been separated. Jaden, Bastion and Hassleberry are stuck somewhere. Same with Alexis, Atticus and Chazz." You suddenly hear a crashing sound from afar. Syrus clutched on to his brother's sleeve in fright. "That doesn't sound good!" "Well thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious!" "Don't even start, Hiita and Aussa. We don't need to hear you fight over such a trivial misunderstanding." "Chikaze is right, we have to go find the others before this gets any worse." Zane brought you out of your trance, "You okay?" You quickly clear your throat, "Oh uh...yeah I'm fine. Let's just find everyone." You run ahead and Zane chuckles to himself.

The four of you stop. Zane speaks up, "Looks like there are two paths." Syrus asked, "How will we know where everybody is?" Jesse replies, "We have to split up." Jesse adds while grabbing your arm, "I call dibs on Y/N." *whack* Jesse groans, "What was that for?!" Syrus replies, "No one is calling dibs on anyone, you nutcase. Just calm down, will you?" "Seems like Jesse doesn't want to be away from you. How cute." Aussa shakes her head, "Oh Wynn..." Zane then said, "Syrus, you come with me. We'll go on the second path. Y/N, you and Jesse can take the first one." Jesse salutes, "You can count on us, Zane."

Meanwhile, Ishizu and Marik were searching for you as well. When Marik held the torch, he was met face to face with three unfamiliar faces. Jaden became defensive, "Who are you guys?" "Hey Jay, cool it." Jaden turns around, "Jesse...Y/N's with you too." You see Ishizu and Marik both wearing confused expressions. You said, "It's okay Jaden. They're not going to harm you. They're here to help us."

Meanwhile, the Truesdale brothers walked down the pitch black path with alert expressions. They both see a small light coming from the depths of the path. Syrus calls out, "Alexis! Chazz! Anyone there?" "Syrus?" Zane then called out, "Hey Alexis! Are you okay?" Alexis replies, "We're fine, Zane!" Zane said, "Syrus, lets go." Syrus nods and follows his older brother. When they see their friends, they both sigh in relief. Syrus said, "Now that we've found you three, we can catch up with Jesse and Y/N."

Hassleberry looks at you in confusion, "You know these people?" You nod, "Yes, they happen to be friends of my parents." You add, "I'll explain later. For now, we have to find the others before something bad happens." Jesse asked, "Aren't you comin'?" You reply, "You go on ahead." Jesse responds, "Alright then.." You ask, "How did you find us?" Marik replies, "We both sensed that something terrible might happen and it led us here." "Looks like everyone's safe." You turn around, "Atticus, Alexis." Alexis ran over to you and hugged you tightly. You choke, "C-Can't b-breathe!" Marik chuckles in amusement. "Geez...and I thought Jesse was overprotective." Hassleberry said, "Hate to break up the happy reunion but, we need to get outta here." Right when he had said that, large stones began to fall to ground. Marik yells, "Don't just stand there! Get moving!"

Almost an hour later, everybody had all escaped...or so they had thought. Zane looked around, "We're missing two people." Atticus questions, "Weren't Y/N and Jesse walking right behind you?" Alexis face palms, "You guys are so careless.." She added, "Well, let's just hope they've found their own way out."

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