Chapter 18

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A/N: just a short fluff chapter! OMG! I already have the last two chapters planned!! I'm so excited but I'm sad to close the book on this story. The epilogue, I'm still working on (mentally). I don't know what I should write for the epilogue or final chapter (chapter 20) yet. I'd love some suggestions from you guys.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

- Lao Tzu

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

- George Sands

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.

-Leonardo Da Vinci

After the sweet night you shared with Jesse, you were cooped up in your room. You had caught a horrible cold that was going around. This meant that you had to stay in your room for the entire day. This made you feel miserable no matter how you looked at it.

Jesse looks around and asked Jaden, "Where's Y/N?" Jaden shrugs, "I don't know, bro. I haven't seen her since yesterday." Alexis spoke up, "I think she caught that cold that was going around campus. From what I understand, she's been holed up in her room all day. She hasn't been outside at all today." Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle said, "Y/N sounds miserable right now. Also, knowing her personality, she probably wants to get out of bed and sit here with you." Jesse replies to Alexis, "I'll go see her later. I'm sure she'd appreciate the thought."

You continue to cough and sneeze. You groan, "I hate being sick..." Wynn replies, "I'm surprised that you caught a cold. You're usually careful around people who are sick." You hide under the covers and whine, "I'll feel like a sick dog!" Wynn replies with a small smile, "You've always been like this when you become ill. Just get some rest and you'll be fine." You hear a knock on the door. You sniff in response, "Coming..." You open the door to see Jesse standing there with books and a random bag in his hands. Jesse remarks, "I heard that you got sick, so I came over to cheer you up." You cough and groan. Jesse asked, "Can I come inside?" You nod, not wanting to use your voice. Jesse said, "Come on, get back into bed." You comply and climb under your covers. Jesse kissed the top of your head and asked, "Are ya tired?" You shake your head out of stubbornness, sleepiness evident in your eyes. Jesse responds with a chuckle, "It's alright, gem. Get some rest, I'll be here the entire time." You yawn and slowly fall into a deep slumber. Jesse kisses your cheek and watches you sleep.

Jesse was in awe of your sleeping figure. He took the time to admire all the features he loved about you. Your H/C hair thrown back into a messy ponytail, with small pieces strewn around your hidden E/C eyes. Jesse whispers, "I love you, Y/N. I love you so much that it hurts. I want to be with you for as long as we both live. My life would be weird if we never met. I'm in love with every single part of you. The more I learn, the harder I fall. I don't know what you're thinking as you sleep. Just know that I'll always stay by your side even if you don't want me to. I cherish every single moment we spend together." His azure eyes soften and he could feel his heart melt at the sight of your sleeping profile. The more he gazed, the more he cherished the moments you spent together. He was madly in love with you. You both knew that. He wanted to tell you more but he wanted to do it during a special occasion. Although, Jesse knew how curious you could be when it came to certain things. He just needed to be sneaky.

You yawn and see Jesse smile at you. He asked, "How are you feeling?" You reply, "I feel better than I did before. Not 100% but I'm getting there. Thank you for staying by my side, Jesse." Jesse hugs your side, "You don't have to thank me, Y/N. I promised that I'd stay beside you when I woke up." You blush and reply, "You didn't have to, you know." Jesse took your frigid hands in his warm ones, "I wanted to and besides, you look really cute while you're sleeping." He then asked, "Are you ready to graduate soon?" You remember that fact when he brings it up. You said, "That's right. I completely forgot about that because of everything that has happened." Jesse replies , "That is completely understandable, Y/N. Castoria made things uneventful for everyone so I can understand how you're feeling." Jesse stayed with you until you felt more comfortable about everything.

With your hands entwined, you and Jesse laid side by side. Jesse strokes your hair and smiles softly. Jesse said, "You look like an angel right now." You blush in response, "Me? I'm no angel. I'm just a girl that loves her boyfriend." Jesse shook his head, "That's not true at all. You are an angel. You saved me so many times and you don't realize it. You saved me from the darkest times of my life. You saved me from becoming a mind slave to the shadow demons. I just...I'm so thankful to have someone like you in my life." Your heart flutters at Jesse's passionate declaration. Jesse adds, "You always smile even during the most depressing times. There are times where all my tiredness vanishes when I see you." Jesse plays with your hands and you watch him quietly. You say to him, "You look so happy right now." Jesse wore a gentle grin, "Of course I'm happy. You added to that happiness." Jesse adds, "You know, there is a lot to think about now. I want to think about our future together, I want our lives to be bright and full of happiness. There may be obstacles in the way, but I will always be by your side to fight them." Your heart melts at the moment.

You knew that the future would bring many things to you both. The only obstacle left now was graduating.

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