•i'm not worried for stefan•

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Imogen Farien Avery was sitting beside Klaus Mikaelson on the bleachers inside the gym of Mystic Falls' high school . She was leaning on his shoulder while playing with the hem of the his sleeves.

She looked at the gym doors, feeling Stefan Salvatore's presence slowly coming closer to where they are. She knew he was coming for Elena. She did say to him to forget what they have in the past so he could focus with his future, which is with Elena Gilbert but there was this stinging pain in her chest at the thought of it and she hates it.

"Stefan's coming, Nik."

Klaus nodded and looked down at her. "Everything alright, my love?" he asked in concern.

Imogen smiled. "Yes, not really, no, sorta. I'm just worried something bad might happen tonight." she admitted

Klaus wrapped a comforting arm around her, pulling her closer to him and affectionately kissed her forehead. "I won't let anything happen to you, my love. If there is, don't worry about anything because I'm here to protect you." he said earnestly as Imogen smiled up at him.

Elena narrowed her eyes as she watched Klaus and Imogen. She couldn't hear what the two were saying but she saw the way Klaus looked at the noirette and it shock her.

'She's that important to Klaus?' she thought in disbelief. 'Who is she to him exactly?'

Suddenly the gym doors creaked open and everyone turned and saw Stefan.

"Stefan." Elena said in a whisper and rose from the floor beside Dana.

Stefan ignored her and focused on Klaus and Imogen. He glanced at the noirette, who looked at the ground, not meeting his eyes.

"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus asked mockingly.

"I came to ask for your forgiveness. And pledge my loyalty." Stefan said.

Klaus turned his gaze away from him. "Well, you broke that pledge once already." he stated.

Stefan walk towards him. "Elena means nothing to me anymore." he said as he glanced at the doppelgänger, who was staring at him with an unreadable expression on her face. "And whatever you ask of me, I will do."

Imogen shakes her head softly. 'He's lying, Nik. Elena means everything to him.' she told Klaus, who smirked evilly.

"Fair enough. Let's drink on it." Klaus told Stefan and stood up, making his way over to Dana and Chad. "Kill them." he points at Dana and Chad, who quickly scrambled to their feet with terrified look on their faces.

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