•i'm not starting to get angry•

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Imogen's eyes widen with Kol's short yet unexpected confession. The Immortal never thought of Kol having feelings for her.


Kol wasted no time to place his lips on Imogen's. The noirette's eyes widen in shock as tint of red dusted the her cheeks, not because of her makeup but because of the kiss.

Kol smiled in the kiss as his arm slithered around Imogen's slender waist and pulled her gently towards him, slightly deepening the unexpected kiss. After a while, he pulled away, rather slowly.

The two old friends stared into each other's eyes, both with different reactions.

Imogen was confused while Kol was exhilarated, which was expected from him.

As Kol, again, slowly leaned towards Imogen, the Immortal froze. "Kol." The noirette mumbled as Kol's soft, seductive lips grazed her delicate and alluring lips.

Kol pulled slightly away, his forehead was glued on the noirette's while his lips was only an inch away from hers lips.


The Immortal was a blushing mess, her mind was blanked with the unexpected kiss, her mouth didn't open to utter a word and her chocolatey brown orbs were full of curiosity that never left Kol's intense dark brown eyes. She tried her best to say something to the Original vampire that kissed her bur ended up stuttering which made Kol chuckle in amusement.

The Immortal noirette and the brunet Original never pulled away from each other even though their kiss already ended. Kol didn't remove a hand on her cheek and his arm that was wrapped around her waist.
She was flustered yet never made a move to get away from Kol.

"Oooh, looks like you're too late, brother."

Imogen gasp, surprised. She turned and saw Damon and Stefan Salvatore staring at her and Kol, both with different expressions on their faces. The older Salvatore was greatly amused as he stared at the scene in front of him and his younger brother while the younger Salvatore face cannot be drawn, he was, simultaneously, upset, furious and jealous, typical reaction of a guy who just saw the girl he loves kissed by another guy.

"Did we interrupt something?" The green eyed vampire asked blankly, staring directly at Imogen.

The noirette looked away, guilt written all over her face.

Kol, who was not happy with the interference of two useless vampires, smirked menacingly at them. "Honestly? You did. Now, go away."

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