•i'm not conflicted•

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Imogen Avery and Rebekah Mikaelson watched quietly as Stefan Salvatore called Klaus Mikaelson. Him, Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore planned to lure the Original Hybrid back to Mystic Falls so Mikael could kill him.

The noirette took no part in the plan but did not tell Klaus. She wanted to warn him about what Stefan, Elena and Damon were planning but a part of her wanted to help the younger Salvatore be free from the Original Hybrid's compulsion. She's been conflicted with her feelings since she became close with Elena and her friends.

"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people it is literally a breading ground for werewolves."

Imogen heard Klaus' voice over Stefan's phone. She smiled longingly, hearing the his voice again. She missed him.

"Your father is dead." Stefan told Klaus.

"What did you say to me?"

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father and not dead." Stefan said and caught the noirette's glare and smiled cheekily at her.

Elena narrowed her eyes at him. 'Why is he smiling at Imogen at a time like this?' she thought in annoyance.

"Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

"Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."


"Aye, let's say that Mikael followed Elena in here. He tried to grab her, so he could use her as bait." Stefan told Elena and Damon about the plan to lure Klaus back to Mystic Falls.

"And you what? Vervained him?" Elena asked, mockingly.

"No, we vervained him!" Damon corrected. "This guy is an Original. To make it realistic."

Elena refrained herself from rolling her eyes. "Okay, fine. We vervained him, and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."

Elena looked at Stefan. "Which he planned to use on Imogen---"

"Not Imogen." Stefan said firmly, his overprotectiveness over the noirette showing.

Damon and Elena looked at each other then back to Stefan.

The blue-eyed Salvatore quirk an eyebrow as he stood in front of his little brother. "We're going to need to tell Klaus that---"

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