•i'm not sleeping 2•

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It was already night when Damon Salvatore decided to come back to the abandoned cottage. Upon arriving at the house, he saw his younger brother, Stefan Salvatore just outside the entrance, leaning against the door.

"Do you know what I can't figure out? Why save me? Was it brotherly love, guilty conscience? Is the switch on, is the switch off?"

Stefan crossed his arms. "You have somewhere you need to be, Damon?"

"Reflection. That's not gonna work on me. I invented that."

Stefan walked over to Damon. "We're done. Can't you just go away?"

Damon narrowed his eyes. "Not until you told me why you saved me. You owe me that." he said stubbornly.

"I don't owe you anything."

"Fine. Next question. Why did you dagger Imogen? She's done nothing to you." Damon said with a frown on his face.

Stefan rolled his eyes. "I already told you didn't I? I wanted to protect her."

"Protect her from what? From who? From Klaus? We all know she's too precious for the evil hybrid to actually harm her." Damon said as he walked closer to his little brother. "That's not your only reason, is it?"

Stefan smirked. "Okay, you got me. Like I told Bonnie. Klaus took her away from me for 90 long years. I wanted him to suffer like I did back then."

Damon furrowed his eyebrows. "So you daggered her and put her inside her coffin. For what? For revenge?"

Stefan nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, so you daggered Imogen, put her inside her coffin and stole her coffin together with Klaus' other coffins?"

"Because they are his weakness I can use against him." Stefan explained.

"Use against him to do what? You're not gonna kill him, you know how I know? 'Cause there was only one way to kill him and you blew that to save me." Damon mocked.

Stefan walked over to Damon. "You're wrong Damon. Klaus isn't just get to just live forever. There's another way. There has to be."

Damon shrugged. "Fair enough. But whatever you're doing I want in."

"I don't need your help." Stefan said and turned to walk away from hi.

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