•i'm not furious•

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"Damon, you find Elena. You and I both know you care for her more than I do. Plus, I can't find her anywhere." Stefan said and entered the living room of the Salvatore boarding house and noticed Elijah sitting by the fireplace, talking to his older brother.

"Hello, Stefan." Elijah greeted the green eyed Salvatore vampire.

"He has Elena." Damon told his brother, still staring intently at the Original.

"Actually, she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister is just dying to tear her throat out." Elijah said and smiled at the Salvatore brothers. "So, if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother."

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." Damon told him.

Elijah continued staring at the two vampires, not breaking eye contact. "Yes, unfortunately, even when killed my mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead. Not with the spirits of nature at her side."

Stefan walked over to him. "So, what are we supposed to do?" he asked.

"That's quite simple, actually."

Elijah looks behind Damon and smirked. The Salvatores turned and saw Imogen Avery, still beautiful as ever but something was different about her. The brothers glanced at each other, knowing something was different with the noirette, a bad different.

"Imogen." Stefan mumbled.

The Immortal didn't smile and remained expressionless. "The witches that released Esther, she's drawing her power from their bloodline, that line needs to be broken." she explained to Stefan's question and walked towards them.

"Broken?" Stefan asked her. He was really confused with her weird behavior.

Damon, also confused with the noirette, turned to his brother. "Yeah, she means." he makes a cutting motion with his forefinger over his neck and the younger Salvatore immediately understood what Imogen meant.

Elijah smirked and nodded as Imogen stood beside him, her arms folded across her chest as she eyed the brothers. "That's right."

Stefan's eyes widen as he stared at Imogen. "You want us to kill them." he stated. He was really surprised with Imogen's behavior. The noirette in front of him and his brother was not the kind and gentle Imogen he knew. The Imogen he knew would never want to kill anyone nor plan to kill anyone.

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