•i'm not reunited with nik•

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Elena Gilbert continued pulling the wooden pieces out from Stefan's chest at the barn, but the green eyed vampire kept screaming, so she stopped.

"I'm just trying to help!" Elena said loudly.

Stefan groaned. "Just get it out, Elena, please. Just get it out."

"Keep screaming, maybe I'll feel sorry for you." Elena sassed and tried again and finally got the wooden pieces out.

Stefan stopped crying out in pain and looked at the doppelgänger. "You've changed. Something is different about you. You're stronger. Tougher."

"You're not the only one, who changed, Stefan. We all had to." Elena said.

"It's good though."

"There's something I have to tell you. And it's not because I feel guilty, that it happened. It's because I feel guilty, that you don't know." Elena said as she pulled another piece of wood from Stefan's chest.

"I kissed Damon."

Stefan looked at her for a moment and didn't speak but it was obvious he was upset, Elena felt bad herself.

Elena placed the wooden pieces on Stefan's chest. "There. All done."

Stefan got up without saying a word and walked away. He leaned against his car when Elena walked up to him from behind.

"Stefan, say something. Please?" Elena begged.

Stefan sighed quietly. "I shouldn't have kidnapped you. The car, the bridge, that was too far."

"Thank you."

"But you shouldn't have lied to me today. You can't go off and do things like that, Elena. Not while Klaus is still alive." Stefan reminded her.

"I know. I just, I wanted to give Bonnie a moment with her mother. Without everything else getting in the way." Elena explained.

"Without me getting in the way." Stefan corrected her.

There was silence between the ex lovers that is until Elena broke the silence.

"I didn't plan on kissing him."

"You're better than him, Elena. You're better than both of us." Stefan turned away from her. "And I'm sorry too."

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