•i'm not happy with our reunion•

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"I do not understand how you could be friends with that girl!" Rebekah Mikaelson complained. "Nik and Elijah have been ignoring you since they met that ugly girl!"

Imogen Avery chuckled as she sat beside the blonde Mikaelson under the White Oak Tree.

"That ugly girl you are complaining about has a name, Rebekah. Her name is Tatia and both Nik and Elijah likes her."

"I do not care what is that girl's name because your way prettier than her and I cannot believe how stupid and ignorant my brothers are to your feelings!" Rebekah spat angrily.

Imogen smiled sadly for a moment before standing up. "You do not have a choice, Rebekah. Your brothers are free to have feelings to whom they like."

Rebekah stood up as well. "I cannot believe even in things like this you are still understanding?"

"Well, I grew up to be this way. I cannot help it. You are my dear friend, Rebekah. I understand how unhappy you feel with your brothers decisions but Nik and Elijah are my dear friends too, I understand why they like Tatia." Imogen and Rebekah walked away from the White Oak Tree. "Tatia is pretty. She is very positive and full of life. Plus, she has many suitors in the village."

Rebekah sighed quietly. "I do believe you are blind, Imogen."

"Blind? Me? How come?"

"You do not realize those suitors you are talking about are your suitors as well. Have you not seen the looks boys in the village are giving you?" Rebekah asked.

Imogen shakes her head. "Hmmm, not really."

Rebekah frowned for a moment before smiling when she saw someone walking towards them. "Oh look! There's one."

Imogen turned her head and saw Kol Mikaelson smiling as he walked towards them. "Sister, Imogen."

Imogen smiled softly at Kol. "Hello Kol."



Imogen Avery turned around, hearing someone calling her name. She saw Tatia smiling as she rushed towards the noirette.

"Tatia, hello" She politely greeted her new friend.

"Imogen, I wanted to talk to you." Tatia said as she lead the noirette in the woods.

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