Good morning sunshine

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Hello ! Here is a new chapter. I will try to
update once a week, but I promise nothing, as I'm in my senior year. I think it's important to know that in this time of the story Wentworth is gay, as he is in real life. No homophobia will be tolerated. Enjoy this second chapter, tell me what you think about it. Pardon me if I make any mistakes, but english is not my mother tongue.

 Pardon me if I make any mistakes, but english is not my mother tongue

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In the last week Amaury, Rockmond, Robert and Paul joined the cast. I'm delighted we'll be able to see each other again, just like old times. The only missing one is Sarah. I'm meeting with her to talk and catch up, maybe I'll be able to persuade her to come back.

« I don't know why, I'm very anxious about it », I told Dominic. He looked up and asked : « Maybe it's because of 2006, you never know when the feeling's gone.» I guess it did have an impact on me, but we worked again together, so it doesn't seem to be the problem. It must be because it's been such a long time since we last saw each other. I still remember how young we were. Noah was only one and a half years old. He must be ten now. How time flies by ! « Anyway, see you later Dom, I have to go to the park. »

It's march, so it's a bit chilly outside. I decided to take a jacket with me, we never know. We both live in LA, which seems quite logic, as we are actors. We're meeting at the rustic canyon park, it's a really private place; we didn't want to risk being papped for our reunion. It's a beautiful place full of trees. When inside the park, it seems like being in the country side, out of the stress of the city. It seems like a great place for us. I had no idea how I was going to react when I would see her again. I felt the stress invading my entire body. I felt warm. Spring is coming; spring is great, it symbolizes rebirth. I hope there will be one for me as well this time. I do need a new start to get rid of all the crap I went through.

2pm. It was time. We decided to meet under a tree. We both knew what tree. We used to spend hours under its shadow in the weekend, talking, laughing, sleeping, eating. Such incredible memories. The scenery was beautiful; the flowers were getting ready to hatch, the sky was clear, the nearby lake was limpid. We could overhear the pepping of the birds on top of the incredibly rich variety of trees. It was so colorful ! Such colors could only announce a great day. This place was truly one of the most beautiful things I ever saw in my life.

Here she was, walking with her hair flying in the air, her yellow dress making her look like a beautiful yellow orchid. She was heading straight to me with a determined approach. I was so impressed; I never saw someone as mesmerizing as she was this instant. My eyes locked in hers the moment I saw her. Suddenly, she stopped. Sarah looked behind her and called a name. I couldn't hear it clearly, but she obviously wasn't alone. I hoped she didn't bring a boyfriend or someone of that sort. What was I thinking ? Of course she wouldn't, it was our moment. If it wasn't a guy, who was it ? Who else was here ? I hoped it was not fans. Not that I don't like them, but it was a really important moment; I hadn't seen her in 8 years. I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard a child laugh and run towards me. What a stupid guy was I. Of course she would be here with - « Noah ! » I screamed happily. He jumped in my arms. « Do you know who I am ? » I asked him, expecting the answer to be no.  « Yes ! You are Went, the nice guy with the blue eyes ! » I was so shocked. I never thought Sarah would have told him about me. Oh. She was just in front of me. I let go of Noah to give my attention to Sarah. She hugged me, thight. I responded to her act by tightening even more our embrace. It felt so nice ! It felt like time stopped. I could hear every of her heartbeats, feel each of her breaths. My heart did beat faster, but I guess it was because of the pressure she put my chest under. I couldn't help myself to smile. I was finally touching her again, after 8 years of no contact. I never wanted to let go, but I had to. Otherwise it would become awkward. She struggled closing her mouth, due to the large smile she was wearing. Noah was happy, playing with his soccer ball. I was on a cloud, wandering in the sky, enjoying every moment of happiness, without knowing what would happen next. I didn't feel a slight amount of anxiety in my body, everything was at its best. Nothing could ever be better.

It had been a long time since I felt like this. I was - yes, I dared to say it - happy. I was happy. Happy, me. I never thought I would ever be able to say it again in my life, but here I was. Was it due to the fact of meeting with Sarah again ? Was it the recognition this boy I met years ago gave to me ? Was it the « something new » I've been looking for ?

The three of us decided to sit under the tree overlooking the lake. As it was becoming to get warmer and warmer, Sarah and I decided to stay in the shade, while Noah played with children he just met. Always keeping an eye on Noah, Sarah and I did a bit, well a lot, of catching up, telling every little story that had an impact in our lives. It took hours. Noah was tired, so he took a short nap between Sarah and me. We talked about Prison Break, the script we received, the writers, the memories made while filming. Eventually, I asked her whether or not she would come back on the show. I made the best puppy eyes I ever did, hoping she would accept my request. She looked concerned about the planning of the show, she wasn't sure she would be able to pull it off. Scheduling really was the biggest problem here. I promised I would help her with taking care of Noah, because filming this show meant a lot of hours on set, with a very flexible schedule. I guess I was going to spend a lot of time with that little guy, and he would spend a lot of time on set with his mother and me, as the filming would take place in the summer.

It was during this afternoon I realized I missed them profoundly. Seeing them made me realize what I didn't have, what I was missing to finally be happy; a family. I know what I have to do: find a boy I like and adopt a cute little baby. Sarah would be supportive, she has always cared deeply about me.

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