A second chance

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Hello lovely people ! Chapter 12 is here ! Sorry, for the delay, I was in Vienna. I went to see Twenty One Pilots live !! I'm so happy, it was incredible ! Anyway, enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave a comment ! Love to y'all :)

« I'm gonna kill him ! He showed up when I was gone, trying to win you back ?! That son of a- » « Went ! It's okay now, he won't come back, I made sure of it, trust me. He won't bother us again. » « No, Sarah, you don't understand ! That guy is never gonna leave you alone, not if I don't say something to him. » « Wentworth, you're not going to talk to him, everything is fine, okay ? » I grinned and nod my head in agreement, then kissed her cheek. It was cold. « Let's go back inside, you're getting cold. » She agreed, we entwined our fingers and she followed my lead. She thought it was over with Josh, but I knew it was only the beginning. I was definitely going to have a talk with him, but not right now. Life was too amazing to ruin it with that idiot.

The next day, I made sure Sarah went to work. She had to, it had been weeks since she last acted. She spent almost everyday looking after me. She needed to live, to get her life back. I obliged her to go, even if she wanted to stay with me, I said no. Noah was at school, so I had the house for myself. I decided to look at the articles about Sarah and Josh. I knew it wouldn't put me in a good mood, but I had to see what that bastard did. I looked at the pictures of them, read what she posted about that story and read a few articles. They were all saying the same, exactly what Sarah wrote, only making her the bad guy.

After that, I looked at articles that were written years ago, when they broke up and when they were together. I wanted to see what was said about him in the media. Apparently he was quite successful in spending time in bars. He met Sarah when he was working in his father's firm. Just after they got married, he inherited his father's complete fortune. He realized he had enough money to live his entire life without working, so he did. Since then, he hasn't spent a day without having a drink. Basically, he became a couch-potato with beers in his two hands and a lot of money in his pockets.

They divorced when Sarah found out he was having an affair, several actually. That was about two years ago. He was just spending his entire days in pubs. That was where I could find him. I decided to search his address. He lived in LA as well, at the other side of the city.

I took my car keys, a pair of sunglasses, a sweatshirt and a baseball cap. It would certainly make things easier if people didn't recognize me, hence the glasses, the cap and the hood. I arrived at his house, but he wasn't there. I asked his butler where I could find him. He didn't recognize me, fortunately, and told me where he was. Without surprise, he was in a nearby bar.

I parked my car just next to the entrance. I knew I was about to do something stupid, so I called Dom and let him know what was happening. « What ?! Went ! Don't do anything stupid ! Wait for me ! Don't- » Too late, I already hung up. I was not going to wait for him, because I was not going to kill the guy. I only wanted to talk to him, explain to him that he was not wanted.

I took a few deep breaths and walked in. I examined every inch of the room to spot him. He was alone, a whiskey in his right hand, sat on a stool. There were four other people. The bar was dark, as were the clients souls. They all seemed greasy and unkind. You wouldn't want to go grab a drink with friends there. I felt out of place. The clients didn't raise their head at me, no one cared I was there. Good. They didn't see my face. I sat on a stool as well, but not next to Josh, it would have been too direct. I had to gain back my confidence before I could talk to him. I ordered a drink and sat there, silent. I looked at him a few times, and he seemed destroyed by Life. I may have seen a tear roll down his cheek. He was miserable. I pitied him. I felt like I was watching my previous self. I didn't drink, but I looked just as miserable. I didn't want him to feel even more depressed than he already was. I knew what it felt like and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Public humiliation is incredibly destroying for anyone. He realized what he did was not a good move. I felt that he wouldn't do it again, so I left.

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