You're an angel fallen down

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Hey guys ! Thanks for a hundred views ! This is really motivating, so here is chapter 8 ! If you want to make any suggestions for the plot of the story, just leave a comment ! If you like this chapter rate it, talk about it to your friends, do whatever you like. You're going to hate me for this chapter, enjoy !

It had been two weeks since we arrived in Morocco. We were out of the civilisation and out of the media. We had no idea of how everyone reacted about the long post I wrote a few weeks back. I was not really curious finding out what scandal I created once more.

We FaceTimed every day with Noah. He would tell us of his day, as we would. He began taking surfing and skating lessons. Apparently there was a girl he liked, but he wouldn't tell us who she was. He was growing. Fast. I missed him, and every time I saw his face on the screen of the computer, I couldn't help smiling. I loved him. I was a lucky man. Noah told us that he was being followed by a few paparazzi, and that they would take pictures of him. He didn't mind, but it meant that we would be followed everywhere once we'd get back.

Let's just focus on the present time : filming was great so far, we were a good team. All the new actors in the series were younger than us, but they were very friendly. We would eat all together at least once a day. In the evening Sarah and I would eat together. We went in town one night, it was very pleasant, even though Sarah didn't feel well these past few days. Her stomach and her head triggered her. She told me she felt like puking but never did. Once we went in the town center, in the market, but we had to leave because there was a smell that made her want to throw up. It was really bothering her, I was getting worried for her. The previous night, she almost didn't sleep. Was she sick ? How could I help ? I gave her more affection and showed her support. I held her hair up when she felt like throwing up, kissed her head when it bugged her and held her hand, but it didn't help her, even if she enjoyed my gesture. She felt so bad we stopped having sex, imagine that !

A week later, she didn't feel better. I was really getting worried, so I made her took an appointment with a doctor. He was going to come in one hour and we would finally know what was making her sick. I prayed for it to be nothing and that I was just over reacting. She didn't seem anxious at all, which surprised me.

For the next hour we stayed together, as it wasn't our turn to film. We stayed in our hotel room and cuddled in the sofa. We were in front of the blueness of the atlantic ocean, the sun was reflecting in the water, life was good. We spent some time making out, and I swear I never saw someone as breath-taking as Sarah. Her eyes were of a brown that pierced my soul, and they were not ashamed of what they were seeing. Those eyes accepted every part of me, even the parts I was ashamed of. She was perfect to me.

The doctor arrived. He examined her and ran a few tests in the room. I didn't stay for the auscultation; I had to shoot in the city with Dom.

An hour later, I saw Sarah from afar, she was running towards us. I was on the top of a ladder. « Went ! Went ! You won't believe what I just found out ! SoyouknowmyheadhurtIwantedtopukeand.. » I didn't understand what she was telling me. « Sarah, sweetie, I don't understand what you're telling me, calm down. » « I'M PREGNANT YOU IDIOT !»


Sarah's POV

I told him. I just told him. He was on top of that stupid ladder and that stupid idiot just lost his balance. That dumbass did a three meter fall, ended up on top of a car and now he doesn't open his eyes. He is immobile on his hospital bed because of that stupid ladder. Why would he stay on it when I was going to talk to him ? Why didn't he get off of it ? He would still be with me, conscious. He would be kissing me, jumping around because of the news. He would probably be crying, this stupid sentimentalist boyfriend. But no, mister decided to stay on top of this fucking ladder and now he is in a coma.

I was mad. Mad that everything and everyone seemed to be against our happiness. The car crash, the paparazzi and now that ? What would happen next ? Him dying ? Come on that's just not realistic. We have a life together, we have a child together and a second on the way. We were going to get a house. He cannot just leave. Not on my watch. I won't let him leave. He will wake up.

It has been one month since the accident, so we were able to transport him back in LA. I spent most of my days in the hospital or at the beach with Noah and Dom's family. I would spend as much time as possible in the UCLA medical center, which meant all morning. The doctors didn't let me stay with him for more than four hours. I would wake up every morning at 8, directly go to his room and take my breakfast there. I would tell him all about my pregnancy he was missing. I prayed everyday for him to wake up, but nothing. No sign he would get better. Noah was missing him, a lot. He came to visit, but not as much as me. I didn't let him, I wanted him to spend time in the real world, with his friends at the beach. I think we both agreed that it was better this way, or he would get depressed of seeing his father like that.

Went missed his birthday. He missed mine. He missed Noah telling him he had a crush, and it was no other than Lily. Yep, his best friend's sister. He hadn't tell anyone else, not even August, not even me. He told Went, but he didn't react. I overheard him talking to Went, and it just happened to be at the same time I was coming back from the cafeteria. Noah had a special relationship with his father, it was sweet to witness that. I wasn't mad anymore, I just wanted him back. I was desperate to get him back.

One month. Two months. Three months. Nothing changed. He was not responding. The media had a real pleasure at writing articles about us, about the fact that the love of my life was going to die, that I was destined to raise my two children on my own, that I had the worst life ever, that I was going to go through this pregnancy on my own. I didn't feel happy. My life became dull the moment his head hit the ground.

Of course, something else had to happen. What would life be without another drama ? Josh came by. He said that he wanted me back and that he missed Noah. He wanted to be in my life again, he regretted everything he did, but the past is the past right ? He was a different man now, he loved me, and as his substitue was gone, he could come back. Bullshit. I wanted to punch him so bad. It was as if his head was asking for my fists. You know what else was great ? We were outside the hospital, there were a few paparazzi and they wouldn't stop taking pictures of us. I could already see the headlines of the next day : « Callies is over Miller ! She was spotted yesterday with ex-husband Josh, just in front of Miller's hospital ! », « Just three months after ex-boyfriend's accident, Sarah was seen hanging out with another man ! WeSah is over! Sorry guys ! ». Oh great the bastard was coming closer to me. He gave me a hug. Flashes everywhere. I couldn't let them use my sorrow for them lying about my love life, especially now. I reacted, I slapped him and told him to leave, to never come back, because he was one of the worst person I ever met. « Oh Sarah, always such a tease ! » He. Kissed. Me. Fuck. Pictures. Media. Scandal. Wentworth. Fuck life.

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