How many ways can you say "I love you" ?

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Hello guys ! Thanks for rating my story and commenting, it really makes all this writing worth it ! Enjoy this chapter, I hope you will like it at least as much as the others ! Keep commenting, rating and all these things. Love to you all ! :)

The ride was quite, Sarah and I were both moved by what had just happened. We arrived only ten minutes late, I admit I did ride a bit fast, but I couldn't wait to see Noah. Once we got there, Noah didn't come to see us, he was having too much fun his new friends, Augustus and Lily-Rose, they are the youngest kids of Dominic. They are only four years older than Noah; they could have fun together. We saw the tree of them once supper was ready. While preparing the meal, Dom and I had a discussion in which I told him all about Noah. « Don't you remember 2006 ? You couldn't eat without trowing up right after, your life was a real mess. Don't tell me it was because of the alcohol, we both know it wasn't the reason of it. »  « But I- » « You fell in love with her, Went, and you were heartbroken. Eating chocolate all the time and crying in front of romantic movies are not sides effects of a hangover. Then you forgot about it and continued living your life for the next 10 years. » he said, pointing out elements that couldn't be proven wrong. « Well, you might have a point, but you know, I'm gay. I have always been, and it's not going to change anytime soon. I can't be attracted to a woman; gay men don't do that kind of thing. » I said, scared that my whole life I would have been wrong about the one thing I was sure about. It was the only thing in my life that was permanent and not leaving me, my sexuality. Apparently though, it was changing, and quite fast.

« Meal is ready ! » shouted Anna , Dom's girlfriend. We all sat around the table, on my right was Sarah and on my left was Noah, I was a lucky man. Noah was talking with Dom's kids, the four of them. Turns out kids get along no matter the age. The dining room was decorated with flowers and on the one side their were lots of cheeky pictures of the family. On the other side of the room, the walls let the sunlight shine through the windows. We had an amazing view of the ocean. The family lived in a big house overlooking the ocean. Dominic was very fond of surfing; he practiced everyday in the ocean, often early in the morning, when the beaches were still empty. They had a large garden, equipped with a swimming pool, a playground and lots of soccer balls. The kids spent almost all their free-time outside, enjoying the LA weather. I was planning on taking Noah here more often, as he had so much fun here. Those kids were family.

Anna had prepared an enormous meal with the help of Joseph and Audrey, Dom's other kids. We had mashed potatoes, carrots and meat. As a dessert, we had ice-cream, watermelon and pineapple. It was delicious. I helped Noah cut his steak and talked to him about legos, he loved that; creating worlds. We all had a lot of fun. It was almost midnight, the kids were watching TV and we, adults, decided it was time to go. Noah wasn't reluctant of the idea, as he could barely keep his eyes open. Still, he asked if he could go back the next day, we would see about that. Too tired to walk, I carried him in my arms. We said goodbye to everyone and went to my car. I sat Noah in the backseat very gently; he fell asleep in my arms. I took Sarah and our son to their apartment. It was situated in a nice neighborhood, surrounded by lots of parks, in the centre of the city. Noah was too heavy for Sarah to carry, so I put him to bed. After that, Sarah and I had a cup of tee in her kitchen. We talked about the day, how emotional it was and what we would do for the future. We decided it was not the time to talk about all of that, and planned to see each other the next day.

When I got back home, it was 1:30am. I passed out in my bed and woke up the next morning, full of energy. I felt like a new man, a more responsible one, with only happiness and positivity. I was no more the depressed Wentworth Miller, I was the grateful Wentworth Miller. I was me, finally. They found me and put me back together. Everything I am is because of Sarah and Noah. It was 10 a.m., so I decided to get ready to meet with the two. Half an hour later, I called Sarah. She was up and ready, so we decided to go to the swimming pool, Noah would enjoy it. I would pick them up at 11 at their place. Once I got there, Noah seemed happy to see me. He looked tired of the night before; he couldn't stop talking about how he enjoyed the kids, the house and the food. He was hungry, he wanted a burger. He was really excited, but he was right, I was hungry, Sarah was too. We decided to go eat before going swimming. Sarah knew a place, it was like a restaurant, but with fastfood. We all enjoyed our burgers and had a lot of fun. The meal was filled with laughters and smiles, even sometimes a suspect look between Sarah and Went, pure pleasure. A family was coming to life, and it was beautiful.

Once they arrived at the swimming pool, they chose a spot in the shade of the trees planted there. Noah knew how to swim, so they didn't have to check on him every minute. They stayed in the shade, their heads facing the pool, just to be sure their child was safe. Went invited Augustus and Lily to surprise his son, he was proud of his gift. Noah couldn't stop smiling, the three of them seemed to enjoy the pool a lot.

Went and I talked about this and that when we were interrupted by some chick who wanted an autograph from him. Who did she think she was, to talk to him while he clearly was talking to me ? People these days really didn't have an education. Went managed to be discreet, so nobody else would notice us. That girl left, swinging her butt from left to right to impress Wentworth. I felt like I could fight her, she had no class. I must have looked furious, as Went looked at me and smiled. He then put his hand on mine. I felt like my whole body was burning, my cheeks must have become red, but he didn't say anything. He was gay, why would he be impressed by some girl exposing her bottom to the world ? Why would he love any woman ? Why would he love me ? He probably would never feel the way I felt for him, we would never really be a family. It broke my heart just by thinking about it.

« Went, what do you-» « Went! Sarah ! Noah fell on the ground ! » shouted Augustus. Sooner than any father could have reacted, Went ran towards his son. There was a circle of people around two children on the ground. It was Lily and Noah, she was trying to reassure him. Noah was crying due to the view of his prominent swollen leg. His knee was bleeding and his hands had scratches all over. Went was terrified of the situation, but he sat next to him. He kissed his head and looked at what seemed to be a broken leg and a lot of tears. Sarah arrived right behind Went and decided to call an ambulance. Noah stopped crying, Went took the occasion to call Dom and asked him to pick up his kids, as they would certainly spend a lot of time at the hospital. Sarah was talking with her son, when someone recognized them. They all were here; Wentworth, Sarah and Dominic, the guys from that TV show. All flashes out, pictures came from everywhere. Dom and his two kids left. Went was becoming more and more angry of those people taking pictures while his child was suffering; this was no time-with-fans situation. His child was hurt, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Sarah noticed Went's face changing from scared to angry, and managed to distract her from all of those people. Finally, the ambulance arrived and left as soon as they could. The ride to the hospital was scary for everyone, but the parents made sure Noah was feeling well and loved. On one side of him was Sarah and on the other was Went. They both caressed his chest, to calm him down. As they both were doing so, their hands were in constant contact, they both enjoyed it. Once the ambulance stopped, Went and Sarah realized some of their fingers were entwined. Their cheeks became pinkish, but they soon got up to follow the stretcher in which was laid down Noah.

After a lot of waiting, a few scanners and a meeting with a pediatric doctor, we got out of the hospital. Noah had his left leg broken and a stitch in his right hand; he did fall pretty violently.

They all went to Sarah's apartment. The next day was monday, and there was school. Went didn't leave that night, he couldn't bare to leave his son in another house, in the state he was. Noah was asleep, one of the main reason being the pain killers.

« You know, I really like how you are willing to do anything for Noah. » said Sarah « Well, I care for him. And you know, I am willing to do anything for you as well. I care for you. » I stated. « Yeah, but it's different, we're best friends, he's our son. » « You don't understand, do you ? I saw how you reacted when that girl came to me today. » I said. « Yeah, but you know- » It was time. Go Went, go! I cut short her speech by kissing her. I did it, I kissed her. It was not a drunken kiss with people unable to fonction correctly. It was a real kiss. The one with the fireworks in your stomach and your guts jumping all over the place. It was perfect. She kissed me back, pressing her lips against mine, making me crazy. I could never stop. I pressed her harder against my chest, she was caressing my back, I was making my way to her lower back with my hands. We walked inside the bedroom, banging a few of her furniture on the way; we were too much concentrated on kissing to care about that. We parted our lips. I closed the door, she took her dress off. We then reconnected. She took off my shirt, and we kept undressing each other. We were in symbiosis. Every touch was followed by a twinkling in our bodies, every word was translating pleasure, every look was full of love.  We had an amazing night, a magical night. I woke up the next morning with the sound of the alarm and the smile of a kid on christmas day.

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