Stay in your lane, boy

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Hey ! I haven't updated in a few weeks, so I'm going to post two chapters this week. Happy new year !! I hope you enjoyed your break and that you're ready for what's to come ! Prison Break is coming closer and closer, I cannot wait !! It's going to be amazing, I can feel it ! Anyway, enjoy this chapter ! I love writing this story, feel free to comment whatever you feel like writing ! Love to you all, and enjoy ! :)

Josh grabbed Noah by his t-shirt hem and pulled him towards him. « I think you owe me respect young man ! I raised you and swiped your butt ! » Josh snapped. He was furious, enraged. The humming man was coming closer to us. Please, let it be anyone but a paparazzi. I jumped on Josh, trying to take Noah out of his arm. Josh was stronger. I reacted once more, as violently as I could, but nothing. Noah was shouting, I was shouting and Josh was just not letting go of my son's arm. We were trapped.

I was punching Josh in his stomach, but he still kept hold of Noah. Suddenly, I remembered self-defense lessons I had taken a few years back. I looked at my nails. I just had them done at the salon, they were sharp and strong. I took a few steps back then ran on Josh's body. Literally. I only stopped once my nails were on his face, tearing skin out of his cheeks. He took a step back out of pain, letting go of Noah to put his hands on his face. I kicked as hardly as I could his manly parts. He could barely stand on his feet. I looked at Noah. He was crying. But mostly, he was angry. He was standing next to me, rage flowing out of his body. The person who was supposedly his father for years threatened him, without any feeling of regret or guilt. The humming man was coming closer and closer. His footsteps were louder and quicker, as if he was running. It was absolutely certain that he had heard the shouting coming from the three of us. Particularly Josh. He was right in front of us. The man. All I could see was the shadow of a tall man. I had the sun in my eyes, so I couldn't see properly what his face looked like. I was able to catch a glimpse of blue, but it was all.

I looked at Noah, he wasn't as lost as I was. It seemed like he knew what was happening, he was happy to see that man. My eyes followed the man. He was heading towards Josh. The sun was no longer blocking my view, thanks to a cloud. Josh was on his feet, running towards us. He was stopped in his track by the man. « What do you want ? » asked Josh. Without waiting a mere second, the man punched him. I saw blood squirt from Josh's mouth. The punch was filled with hatred. The punch could have destroyed a few brick walls, seeing how hard and fast it landed on Josh's face. The humming man. It was Wentworth, for sure. Noah whispered: « I sent him a text saying that Josh was here. » I smiled at him. My son was very smart and more careful than I was. Josh was rolling on the ground, obviously suffering from the punch Went gave him. Went was looking at him, furious. « WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE ? ANSWER ME ! WASN'T SARAH CLEAR ENOUGH FOR YOU ? » Went shouted at him, already in position to give him another punch in the jaw.

Josh got on his feet and they exchanged looks for a few seconds. Noah was still on his phone, but this time he was calling someone, as I asked him to. It was the police. Noah had called the police as discreetly as possible. Josh didn't notice anything, too worried about the menace of Went's fists.

« I am the man they need. You're nothing to them, you're just the gay friend everyone else pities. You are irrelevant. » Josh was extremely stupid for saying that. Went's fists were tightened, his muscles already contracted seemed to grow even more. His eyes were filled with rage and anger, the face drawn. « She pities you, that's why she told you Noah was your son. You're all alone and suffer from depression. You are no one to them. You should have left a long time ago already. No one loves you, especially Sarah. She is mine. » It was too much. Wentworth jumped on him and began punching him. Right, left, then right and left again. Josh was controlled by Went's punches. The sound of each punch was horrible. It seemed like Went was breaking every bone in his Josh's body, as well as his hands. There was blood falling from his mouth and his nose. Went's hands were bloody. Josh fell to the ground one more time.

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