Feels so right

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Hello, dear readers ! I must warn you, this chapter can be a bit shocking for the youngest, as there is a bit of sex and alcohol related themes. Well, enjoy this chapter, I updated sooner than I thought I would, so it's all good ! Don't forget to leave a comment, rate my story,... Thank you to the people who are active, it is very much appreciated. Love you and thanks ! :)

10 years ago*

« Went, we're really drunk. What do you want to do ? » Sarah asked him, having problems saying words in the right order. « Let's party like we never did ! Come on ! » Went turned the music on. Suddenly, Sarah's living room was taken to life, to the night life. The two of them were dancing, well, more like jumping everywhere without taking any care of the rhythm, on the sofa. We could hear the wooden base of the couch crack under their weight, but they didn't care; tonight was the night they would remember all their lives, the night they would have the more fun, the biggest party of all times. Due to the rather large amount of alcohol in their system, they had trouble keeping balance up there; they got down and jumped on the floor. Soon the entire house became a dance floor. To make a good performance, they dressed up with the clothes in Sarah's dressing room. Went had taken with him a few of his clothes with him, as they had planned to spend the weekend together. They thought it would be a great idea to dress like in Dirty Dancing. Terrible mistake. Went was Johnny and Sarah was Baby. Of course they really liked their characters, the two of them became the drunk version of Johnny and Baby. As they were so good at being them, they thought they would also be able to dance as good as them. Again, wrong decision. Trying the porté of the famous movie ending was not a full success; once Sarah reached the arms of Wentworth and he carried her up in the sky, he didn't manage to stop on top of his head. Went lost his balance and they both ended up on the couch. Luckily enough, no one was hurt, but they both were sore from the night they just spent.

It was about 4am when they took their last drink. They just sat on the couch, trying to realize where they were, but they couldn't, it all was a dream; they had such a good time it was not possible for them to be in real life, but they were. « Oh god, I'm so lonely. It's been six month since I've kissed someone. » stated Wentworth, tired of the monotony of his life. He broke up with his boyfriend about a year and never had a stable relationship since. Sarah was a young independent woman who didn't need no man to be happy. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she wanted to feel the proximity of a relationship with a man.

They both wanted the same thing, so Sarah leaned in, as near as Wentworth's nose as possible. They weren't touching, they were looking in each other's eyes. Went's eyes looked down at Sarah's lips; they were the lips he needed at this precise time. Those lips were just the right color, the right size, they were the ones made for him. He was gay, but he didn't care. Sarah couldn't stop looking in Went's eyes; their color was changing from blue to green, only to return to blue the next instant. Just the fact of feeling each other's warmth made it impossible for them to stay away any longer. They both approached to the other's face, and connected. They shared a long passionate kiss, with a slight taste of alcohol. Once they separated of each other's lips, they both looked in the other's eyes; they wanted to be sure the other agreed of what was going to happen. Their eyes locked. They didn't break contact until Wentworth continued kissing Sarah. He made his way to her neck. Sarah could sense every of Went's back muscles in her hands. She took Went's shirt off, appreciating every kiss she was receiving. As she was taking off his shirt, Went could feel himself tense, it felt so right, he put his hands on Sarah's hips. Everything felt good, it felt like things were finally falling into place. Soon they both found themselves unclothed, still enjoying each other's lips and tongue. They couldn't resist anymore. It was time. It was the first  time Went was going to do it, with a woman. He took a deep breath and began their experience together. Sarah was moaning, as was he. They both enjoyed it very much; it was passionate and tender, challenging and easy at the same time. It felt right; no awkwardness. During the time they were one, they both were complete and as happy as someone would get. It was truly perfect.

They were best friends, not lovers, Went told himself, what would happen the next day ? Well, when Went woke up, Sarah was already up. He could hear noise in the kitchen, Sarah was making breakfast. Once Went realized he was naked under the blanket, he looked around himself. The house was a real mess; everything was upside-down, his clothes were all over the floor. The only thing he remembered from the previous night was that he came home with Sarah, they danced and he fell asleep on the couch, apparently naked. He had a massive headache, which was usually the meaning of a quite big blackout of the previous night. After managing to get up on his feet without trowing up, Went made his way to the kitchen. Sarah was there, as beautiful as she usually was, but there was something that changed in the way Went looked at her. For him, she was more beautiful than she ever was, he didn't know why. Her lips intrigued him, he wanted to feel them, with his lips. He just had a strange night, he guessed. Sarah didn't remember much of it either. She just found Went's eyes even more mesmerizing than they were before. She had a really hard time fighting the desire to feel his shoulders. They both took a breakfast, and continued their relationship as it was the night before all of that happened - which they didn't know about.


« So you're telling me that that's what happened ? » I said to her, I couldn't believe it, it was not possible. « Didn't you feel strange after that night ? Like something in you was changed forever, but you couldn't say what ?  I felt like that, like my life would never be the same, for some reason. » He didn't want to admit it, but Sarah was right, as always. Even though nothing changed for him, it did for Sarah. Just two weeks after that night, she was going out with her ex-husband, then she found out she was pregnant and got married.

« When Noah was born, I was sure he was Josh's. He had blue eyes, blond hair, just like him. But when I saw him grow up, he looked less and less like his father and more and more like you. His posture made me think of you, even some of his facial expression. When he's sad, he looks like you, in a shorter version; his face closes up the same way yours does, his shoulders down, just like you do, even if you try your best not to show it. When I saw you today, I could see my son in you. I knew when you both looked at me at the same time in the park; I could see the replica of your face on Noah's. » she explained to me, making me understand every word she was saying. The fact that his eyes were the perfect mix of mine and her mothers, or the fact that he had the same facial structure as I did, or his height, made me realize that it was true. I was a father. I was Noah's father, and no one ever told me about it.

What I regretted the most was that I never saw him grow up, neither as a father, nor as a family friend; we just hadn't any contact. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him, to catch up and teach him all the things a father wants to teach his son. I wanted that relationship.  I couldn't be a part of his past, but I hoped to be a part of his present and his future. If I wanted to do so, I would have to change into a better person, I was ready to be the best version of me, for him. « I know, I am his father. I will be a part of his life. I want to. I swear I will be good, I'm going to show you tonight,...because we have to go at Dom's. We're already late. » I told her. « Oh yes, the supper, I forgot. Just...don't say anything to him, please. He doesn't know anything yet and-... » « Sure, no problem. » I interrupted, reassuring her everything was alright. Tonight I would spend time with my son, without him knowing I was his dad.

We made our way to Dom's place. While walking to the car, I wanted to hold her hand, I was happy, she was making me happy. I didn't hold her hand, but I looked in her eyes, it made me feel weak and vulnerable. I felt like she could destroy me just by leaving. Instead, she locked her eyes in mine and gave me a smile. We walked closer to each other, our hands touching from time to time. The ride to Dom's was quite stressful for me, I was going to see Noah as my son.

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