Doubt is my best friend

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Hellooo ! Here is chapter 15 ! Sorry for keeping you waiting for a month, but I'm pretty busy with school right now. BUT I'll be in holidays for a week, which means (maybe) time to write ! Anyway, tell me what you think about this one ! Leave a comment or even a like ! Prison Break is coming back soon ! April 4 ! Can't wait !!!

« What is it, Went ? » « What ? » « I know you. You make this thing with your face when you're preoccupied. So...what is it ? » I knew him too well to know when something was wrong with him. « Do you want a cup of tea ? » He wanted to change the subject. Fine. I agreed to a cup of tea in exchange of the truth.

Once the cups were made, he sat next to me. We were on the hotel couch, in front of the fire place, enjoying its warmth.

« Well ? » I started. I wanted him to express his emotions, in order for him to clear his mind. « Alright. I'm going to tell you a story. Remember the first day we met ? » « It was June 4th 2004. The first day of filming. » I said, a smile on my face as I remembered how that day had had an impact on my life. 

« It was a sunny and warm morning, which was unusual for a morning in the beginning of June. I guess that day was particular. I first saw you in the yard, where the buffet was. You were having breakfast. If I remember correctly, you were eating a piece of bread with peanut butter. You had some on your nose. It was the first thing I noticed about you. The peanut butter. I also remember that the sun was shining, bright. Your eyes were brown-green, but the sun was adding a glow to them. I never had seen such color. They were hypnotizing. That was the second thing I noticed about you. Your eyes. The third thing I noticed about you ? How I felt when I saw you. You were so unique, so unintentionally funny and so beautiful ! You were you. You were coming right out of a dream. There was nothing special about you, for the others, but for me, you were everything but normal. Then, we were introduced to each other. I got to hear your voice. The voice of an angel. You were a real-life angel guarding my sky. I still remember you saying : « Hey, I'm Sarah. And you are ? » « Wentworth. I play Michael. What about you ? » « Sara. » « Well, at least I won't mix your names ! » You can't imagine how hard it was to say something that made sense. Seeing you was enough to make me lose my mind. That day was special. 

Today I doubted my abilities to be a father and to take care of all of you. I felt like my whole world turned dark. I was angry. Not at anyone in particular. I was angry at everything and everyone. When I saw people smiling and laughing, it disgusted me. The sun was too bright, the sky was too blue, every one was walking too slowly and the cars were too loud. Nothing was as I wanted. That's why I went in the mountains, I needed to be alone. It helped me think. I stayed there for a few hours and tried to understand myself. But then I remembered who I was living with. You are not any woman or man, you are special. And I remembered that the simple fact of seeing you made me fall in love with you. I remembered how we loved each other. And I thought that everything was going to be alright, because being you is enough to make me forget how to properly speak, because you make me fall in love with you every time I see you, hear you, see your name on the caller ID. You are all I need to get through this life. And that will never change. As long as you are with me, I will be okay. »

She smiled at me, her eyes glowing due to the light of the descending sun, just like the first day we met. We kissed, slightly, then harder. We stayed in front of the fire pit, cuddling, for another hour and finished our cups of tea.

The week of filming went quiet fast, and we soon were getting ready for Dom's wedding. We were back in L.A. with Noah. I missed him.

The wedding was in a big hall, decorated by Anna, Sarah and the other bridesmaids. She was one of the bridesmaids and I was the best man. Noah was helping Joseph, Audrey, Augustus and Lily to get the party started.

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