I love you

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« Wake up, love » Sarah ? Is that you ? « Please, Went, wake up. It's been four months now. Come back to me. I miss you. » It's Sarah talking ! « Sarah ! Sweetie ! I'm there ! Why don't you answer me ? Can you hear me ? Sarah ! » She doesn't hear me. What's happening to me ? Where am I ? Why can't I move ? I can't see anything, my eyes are closed. I have to open them, but I can't. My body doesn't react to my orders. Focus, Went. You can do this. Just move one finger, twitch your eyes, do something. Nothing.

Okay, where am I ? I can't see, but I can hear and smell. I hear the beeps of machines, it's a regular tempo. Ew, I don't like this smell. It reminds me of...sadness ? Can a smell make you feel an emotion ? It's like, like what ? Like a hospital. Am I in the hospital ? What the fuck ? « Please ! Help ! What happened to me ? Is anyone there ? » I was alone.

I hear the door and quick light steps. « Hey daddy ! » It's Noah ! « How are you today ? Anyway, mom is at the doctor for the baby. You know, I'm looking forward to have a little sister or a little brother. Mommy is happy about it too, but she cries almost every night because you're not with us. I wish you woke up, dad. I miss you. You know, today I'm going to the beach, as usual. I want to show you what I learned in the holidays. I'll try to impress Lily with my surfing skills, but I have to do my homework first. Maybe you'll help me to do them soon, just like before. Please, wake up, daddy.» I can feel his warm lips on my cheek, why can't I embrace him ? Wake up, body ! The door closes. Sarah is pregnant. What do you mean he has homework to do ? He should still be in holidays for a whole month, what happened ? I HAVE to wake up, take care of my family ! I need answers !

« Hi love. » It's Sarah. Her voice is filled with joy and sorrow. She is happy and sad, weird. « I went to my appointment with the doctor. The baby's great. I did another scan, I'll just put it with the other ones, near your bedside. I wish you were there with me, with Noah, with everyone. We all miss you. » Trust me Sarah, I wish I could move and hug you, tell you everything was going to be okay, but apparently I can't even open my eyes. « Dom and Anna are getting married next month. It would be nice if you came. » What. The. Fuck. My best friend is getting married without me attending it ? I really need to wake up. She sits on my bed. I can feel the warmth of her body through the bedsheets. «  You know, the paparazzi are really taking all my energy. They follow me everywhere. Who thought we would have such importance ? They gossip about whether or not you're dead, or that you're going to die. They say that I moved on, that I go out with Josh. They tell everything I don't want to hear. It's really tiring to live without you. Life is easier when you're here. ». « Love, I'm sorry you have to go through all of this without my support. Come here. » I say.

Sarah lays her head on Went's chest and puts her arms on his stomach. She takes his hand and puts it on her growing belly. « Say hi to daddy, sunshine. I love you. » she says, her eyes closed, a tear falling on his thorax.

Sarah's POV

I love you » I say, tired of all of this mess. I'm so comfortable here, feeling his warmth, listening to his heart beating in a prefect tempo. I wish I could have a discussion with him. I wish I could look into his deep blue eyes. I wish I could listen to his voice.

Went's POV

« I love you » she says. Where is my hand ? It's warm and round. Did she say say hi to daddy ? Is that her belly ? Is my baby in there ? I have to know.

« I love you. » I have to make her stop crying.

« I love you. » I have to stroke her belly.

« I love you. » I have to make her feel happy.

« I love you. » Just. Move. A. Finger.

« I love you. » One. Finger.

« I love you. » One.

« I love you. »

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